Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website

Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website

Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website


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Comprehensive Planning of Water Supply Service improvements In the following ULBs (1) Ananthapur <strong>Municipal</strong> Corporation,(2) Chittoor <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and (3) Badvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ityBadvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ity – Detailed <strong>Project</strong> Report (Final) - Environment6.2 Consultation and Disclosure(i)Consultation during detailed design:Focus-group discussions with affected persons (if any) and other stakeholders (including women’s groups,NGOs and CBOs) to hear their views and concerns, so that these can be addressed in subproject designwhere necessary; andStructured consultation meetings with the institutional stakeholders (government bodies and NGOs) todiscuss and approve key aspects of the project.Public consultation with local residents near sub-project location.(ii)Consultation during construction:Public meetings with affected communities to discuss and plan work programmes and allow issues to beraised and addressed once construction has started; andSmaller-scale meetings to discuss and plan construction work with individual communities to reducedisturbance and other impacts, and provide a mechanism through which stakeholders can participate insubproject monitoring and evaluation.(iii)Disclosure:The hard copy of EA for the sub-project will be made available to public at ULB as well as at CDMA-MSU forpublic reference and will be disclosed to a wider audience in the apmdp website www.apmdp.gov.in.7 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMIt is expected that through a participatory process, acceptance of the sub-projects and grievances can beminimized. However, it is necessary to establish an effective grievance redressal mechanism to addresscomplaints/grievances related to social & environmental issues that may arise. The figure given alongsideindicates the grievance redressal mechanism for this purpose.The affected persons can register their grievances at the complaint cell established at the ULB. TheComplaint Cell would forward the grievance to the S&E officer for redressal. The Complaint Cell will also actas a Public Information Centre, where the grievances of the community will be registered and otherinformation with regard to the project, the sub-projects, social and environmental safeguards will be provided.The grievances can pertain to any social and/or environmental issues triggered by sub-projects under theAPMD <strong>Project</strong>. A ‘District Urban Grievance Redressal Body’ will be established for giving independent adviceto the concerned <strong>Municipal</strong> Commissioner for redressing the grievances. This body will consist of 4 to 5eminent citizens in the District and are from diverse backgrounds such as, education, health and sanitation,urban infrastructure, civic affairs, etc. In an advisory capacity, it will facilitate and suggest suitable action toredress the grievances of the community/people. At the state level a ‘State Urban Grievance RedressalBody’ will be established along similar lines. The Complaint Cell would forward the grievance to the S&Eofficer for redressal. If the S&E officer cannot redress the grievance within a specified time period, thegrievance would be forwarded to the ESMC and further to the District Urban Grievance Redressal Bodyconstituted at the district level. The grievances which cannot be redressed at the district level would bereferred to the State Urban Grievance Redressal Body. Each of these authorities can be approached directlyfor grievance redressal by the aggrieved person/party.Figure 7 shows Grievance Redressal process and Annexure 12 indicates sample Grievance RegistrationForm.41

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