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Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website

Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website


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Comprehensive Planning of Water Supply Service improvements In the following ULBs (1) Ananthapur <strong>Municipal</strong> Corporation,(2) Chittoor <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and (3) Badvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ityBadvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ity – Detailed <strong>Project</strong> Report (Final) - Environmentfinalised in consultation with the <strong>Municipal</strong> Engineer. Vacant lands for construction of ELSRs are available.The land either belongs to the <strong>Municipal</strong>ity or to Government and no land acquisition is necessary.Photographic illustration of different project locations of Badvel is shown in Annexure 1. Location map ofexisting and proposed water supply facility is shown in Annexure 2.Table 2.3.2-3: Details of existing Reservoirs to be utilized in proposed schemeSlCapacity in KLLocationNoELSR GLSRGL LWL MWL1 Bhavanarayana Nagar 200 - 153.787 150.375 154.0872 GPO on Mydudkuru Road 150 -- 127.298 142.298 144.7983 Surendra Nagar 200 - 131.269 141.058 143.747Total 625 -SlNoTable 2.3.2-4: Details of New Reservoirs proposed under the present schemeLocation of newELSRCapacityof ELSRStagingHeightGroundLevelSize of LandRequiredRemarks1 Chemuduru 600 KL 10 m 150.20 30mx30 m Government Land2 <strong>Municipal</strong> Office 1000 KL 20 m 129.02 30mx30 m <strong>Municipal</strong> LandCompound3 Old Panchayat Office 1500 KL 20 m 132.93 30mx40 m <strong>Municipal</strong> Land4 Gandhi nagar 500 KL 15 m 134.03 30mx30 m Government Land5 Marutamma Nagar 1000 KL 20 m 143.00 30mx30 m Government Land6 Sundaraiah Nagar 500 KL 15 m 146.00 30mx30 m Government Land7 Valluru Varipalle 200 KL 15 m 144.30 30mx30 m Government Land3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT3.1 Physical Resources3.1.1 Physiography & TerrainThe Badvel town has a general gradient from north-west to south-east. On an average the ground levelvaries from 140 to 150 m above MSL.Topographical contour map of the project area is shown in Annexure Geology and soilThe town of Badvel which falls in the Kadapa (YSR) district is mainly associated with schists, amphibolites,granites and doleritic type of rock formations. The schists and amphibolites have been intruded by graniteson a large scale. Years ago, these rocks might have formed extensive out crops but denudation hasremoved most of them. The massive granitic rocks found in these areas are mainly of two distinct types. Themost common type is the very coarse grained types for example feldspar, quartz, mica and sometimesepiodate. The other distinct type of granitic rock formations has a white or pale flesh colour and has smallgrain size. The granites and the older rocks were intruded by basic igneous rocks as dykes. These dykes aregenerally represented by dolerites.The soil type found in this area is generally ferrugenious (red coloured) loam. This soil is generally of poorquality and extends only to a small depth below the ground level. The top soil has a thickness of 1 – 2 m.The top soil is followed by weathered shales which generally has a thickness of 10 – 15 m. The weatheredzone is followed by fractured shales and phyllites.Table 3.1.2.-1 indicates soil condition in and around the project location. Soil bearing capacity is sufficient forconstruction of structure.11

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