Owner's Manual - At Andiron Fireplace Shop

Owner's Manual - At Andiron Fireplace Shop

Owner's Manual - At Andiron Fireplace Shop


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A. Chimney RequirementsMeasure vertical distances from the base of the fi replaceas shown in Figure 8.2.• Minimum overall straight height 18 ft (5.5 m)• Minimum height with offset/return 18.5 ft (5.64 m)• Maximum height 90 ft (27.43 m)• Maximum chimney length between an offset 20 ft (6.1 m)and return• Maximum distance between chimney35 ft (10.67 m)stabilizers• Maximum unsupported chimney length6 ft (1.83 m)between the offset and return• Maximum unsupported chimney height above 35 ft (10.67 m)the fi replace• Maximum unsupported chimney above roof 6 ft (1.83 m)WARNING! Risk of Fire! You must maintain 2 in. (51 mm)air space clearance to insulation and other combustiblematerials around the chimney system. Failure to do so maycause overheating and fi re.Determine the chimney components needed to completeyour particular installation:• Measure the total vertical height of the fireplace installationfrom the base of the fireplace assembly to the approximatelocation of the bottom of the termination cap.• Subtract the effective height of the fireplace assembly (seeFigure 8.2) from the total vertical height to determine theoverall height of the chimney installation.• Create a schematic for your application similar to Figure8.2 showing components required (referring to Table 8.1).Figure 8.1 identifi es those components and where used.• Install a ceiling firestop whenever the chimney penetratesa fl oor/ceiling.NOTICE: A maximum of one offset and return may beused.CAUTION! Risk of Fire and/or Asphyxiation! DO NOTconnect this fi replace to a chimney fl ue servicing anotherappliance. Do NOT connect to any air distribution ductor system. These actions could cause overheating/fi rein the chimney fl ue, or release of exhaust fumes into theliving areas.Table 8.1HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY COMPONENTS in. mmChimney StabilizerSL11 4-3/4 121Ceiling Firestops6 ft (1.83 m) max.unsupported chimneyabove roofFS538 0 0FS540 0 0Offsets/ReturnsSL1130 18 457Roof FlashingRF570 0 0RF571 0 0Chimney Sections*20 ft (6.10 m) max.pipe between anoffset & returnCeiling firestopSL1106 4-3/4 121SL1112 10-3/4 273SL1118 16-3/4 42535 ft (10.7 m)max. straightunsupportedchimney heightSL1136 34-3/4 883SL1148 46-3/4 1187* Dimensions reflect effective height.97 1/2 in.(2477 mm)EffectiveHeight14-11Transition18.5 ft (5.64 m)min. heightsingle offset-return90 ft (27.4 m)max. heightFigure 8.2Chimney Requirements24Heatilator • Birmingham BIR42 • 4059-308 Rev C • 07/08

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