Part1 - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website

Part1 - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website

Part1 - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website


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Comprehensive Planning of Water Supply Service improvements In the following ULBs(1) Ananthapur <strong>Municipal</strong> Corporation, (2) Chittoor <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and (3) Badvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ityDPR Final – Ananthapur M. C. – EnvironmentTable 2.1.3-2: Applicable Laws and Policies for Water Supply project<strong>Project</strong> Sub-<strong>Project</strong> Applicability of Environmental Laws andPoliciesRemarksWater• Water Distribution• Water mains• Water PumpingStation• Water TreatmentPlants• Source development• Over head servicereservoir• Ground LevelReservoir• Un accounted forwater (Leakdetection projects)The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 Any act during implementationcausing damage to environmentWater (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Cess Act, 1977 including RulesWater (Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act, 1974 - as amended in 1978 &1988As per the Environment (Protection)Act (EA) 1986, ambient noise levelsare to be maintained as stipulatedby the Central Pollution ControlBoard (CPCB) for differentcategories of areas like,commercial, residential and silencezones, etc., during sub-projectconstruction and operation.Applicable to all activities, whichdischarge effluents as a result ofprocess or operations.Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 – asamended in 1988Wildlife Protection Act, 1972Applicable if the project involves anyactivities in the reserved forests,village forests, protected forests andother areas as declared by the StateGovernment.The act prohibits picking, uprooting,damaging, destroying, acquiring anyspecified plant from any forest landIt bans the use of injurioussubstances, chemicals, explosivesthat may cause injury or endangerany wildlife.Notification on Coastal Regulation Zone,1991The Hazardous Wastes (Management AndHandling) Rules, 1989The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991Permissions to be taken forundertaking any activity in thecoastal region of 500 m from theHTL.Materials such as heavy metals,toxic inorganic, oils, emulsions,spent chemicals and Metalfinishingwastes emanating duringconstruction and operation shall bestored and disposed of as per theRules.Act enables the people to accesslegal aid to claim compensation inthe event of an accident occurredwhile handling any hazardoussubstance. So insurance needs tobe taken up by the projectimplementing agencies orcontractors.8

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