CPT _2010_ 82 - EN - Report Armenia 2010 _2_ - The Government ...

CPT _2010_ 82 - EN - Report Armenia 2010 _2_ - The Government ...

CPT _2010_ 82 - EN - Report Armenia 2010 _2_ - The Government ...


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facilities, closed, semi-closed and medical correctional establishments with theprinciple of supplying food to cells, and for semi-open correctional establishments —in the form of canteen with relevant functional and storage facilities thereof. Longvisits arrangement facility should include rooms with sanitary-hygienic and kitchenconditions, each of them occupying at least 12 square metres (the schedule of theProgramme for Infrastructure Reforms of the Penitentiary Service is attached).b. Kosh Penitentiary EstablishmentIn connection with paragraphs 86, 87, 88, 89, and 90 of the <strong>Report</strong>:Overcoming of existing shortcomings at Kosh Penitentiary Establishment is alsoenvisaged in the Programme for Infrastructure Reforms of the Penitentiary Service,concerning which remarks have been provided in the preceding paragraphs.<strong>The</strong> issue relating to the quality of food in Kosh Penitentiary Establishment willbe discussed by the administration of the Penitentiary Service and a special attentionwill be focused thereon.Bath facilities in Kosh Penitentiary Establishment have been fully repaired.In connection with paragraph 91 of the <strong>Report</strong>:With respect to the remark in the <strong>Report</strong> with regard to the educationalprogrammes, insufficient number of TV sets, poor libraries, work opportunities forprisoners, sport activities and lack of leisure programmes in penitentiaryestablishments, it should be noted that the list of professional skills of sentencedprisoners was already submitted to the «Assistance to the Prisoner” foundation inJanuary 2011 of this year, aimed at involving the sentenced prisoners in the workbased on their handicraft skills. Sport and cultural events are planned during the year,particularly, organisation of tennis, football matches, intellectual games, andreplenishment of libraries.In connection with paragraph 92 of the <strong>Report</strong>

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