2011 annual report 2011 annual report - Garanti Bankası

2011 annual report 2011 annual report - Garanti Bankası

2011 annual report 2011 annual report - Garanti Bankası


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• Introduced world’s first flexible creditcard, FlexiCard, enabling customizationof all parameters, including financial andvisual.• Introduced Bonus Trink, the PayPassfeatured credit card with contactless chiptechnology.• Initiated Turkey’ first bill payment servicevia P.O.S. machines.• Offered “5 minute loan” service wherebythe applicant receives the evaluation in 5minutes.• World’s first bank with ID scanningfacilities in branches; created Turkey’sfirst “paperless banking” operatingenvironment.• First private bank to offer “WomenEntrepreneurs Support Package”.• The only bank in Turkey with exclusiverights to issue American ExpressCenturion Line Cards and to acceptmerchants to its network.• Bought back founder sharecertificates, an important movetoward improved corporategovernance.• Launched Turkey’s firstInventory Finance System.• Established Turkey’s firstmortgage call center, 444 EVİM.• Launched loan via P.O.S.,commercial installment loanoffered through P.O.S. system, afirst in the world and in Turkey.• Performed Turkey’s firstcardless remittance via ATMs,where both parties arenon-bank customers and wouldlike transfer money.• Established Environment Committeewith the aim of evaluating andmanaging environmental risks whichmight be caused directly by itsoperations and indirectly by the loansprovided.• Introduced another first in Turkey byperforming Western Union transactionsthrough ATMs as well as InternetBanking.• Launched the world’s first NFC(Near Field Communication) paymentenabled SIM card, “Bonuslu Avea”.2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong>• Partnership agreement with one of theprominent insurance companies in Europe,Eureko B.V. (Holland) to transfer 80% ofshares in <strong>Garanti</strong> Insurance and 15% ofshares in <strong>Garanti</strong> Pension.• Launched “<strong>Garanti</strong> Discount”, Turkey’sfirst web-based supplier financing system.• Launched Turkey’s first Direct DebitSystem with risk sharing model.• Introduced PayPass featured Bonus Trinkcredit cards in the form of watch and keyfob –both firsts in Europe, and a sticker –afirst in the world.• Introduced Environmentally FriendlyBonus Card, a first in Turkey and Europewith its features as an ecologic productsuch as its plastic, communicationmaterials and donation characteristics.• First bank in Turkey to offer webbasedtransactions on TurkDEX (TurkishDerivatives Exchange) via online banking.• Turkey’s first bank to offer“e-government” payments.• Introduced Money Card, Turkey’s firstcredit card which is multi-branded andalso offers brand-specific loyalty benefits.• Launched Turkey’s first last-minute-EFTservice.• Offered Western Union transactions viaInternet branch as a first in the world.• Developed Turkey’s first Gold FinancingSystem.• Launched DCC (Dynamic CurrencyConversion) P.O.S. enabling foreigncardholders to pay in their owncurrencies.• Performed its first “carbon footprint”assessment and submitted itsgreenhouse gas emissions calculationfrom its operational activities in 2009 tothe Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).• Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)and Doğuş Group became equal strategicpartners in <strong>Garanti</strong> Bank, through BBVA’sacquisition of shares from GE CapitalCorporation and Doğuş Holding A.Ş.• Sold its 20% shareholding in EurekoInsurance to Eureko B.V. by exercising its putoption.• Joined UNEP FI (The United NationsEnvironment Programme Finance Initiative).• SALT was established to provide longlastingsupport to culture and experimentalthinking in Turkey• Entered the Carbon Disclosure Project(CDP) Global 500 Report <strong>2011</strong>, a global<strong>report</strong>ing system on climate change.• Became the first private enterprise to issuethe longest tenor Eurobond in Turkey.• Provided Turkey’s first TL-denominatedlong-term project finance facility.• Introduced Cep-T Paracard in collaborationwith Turkcell and MasterCard, Turkey’s firstprepaid card enabling SIM-based secureservice that can be used with mobile handsetdevices.GARANTI BANK <strong>2011</strong> ANNUAL REPORT 13

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