DMS i1000 FleetConnectTM - Liquid Controls

DMS i1000 FleetConnectTM - Liquid Controls

DMS i1000 FleetConnectTM - Liquid Controls


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OperationNext (F1) opens Delivery Code screen 2/4Status (F3) opens Machine Status screen 2/2Next (F1) opens Delivery Code screen 3/4Prev (F2) opens Delivery Code screen 1/4Status (F3) opens Machine Status screen 2/2Next (F1) opens Delivery Code screen 4/4Prev (F2) opens Delivery Code screen 2/4Status (F3) opens Machine Status screen 2/2Prev (F2) opens Delivery Code screen 3/4Status (F3) opens Machine Status screen 2/2Delivery CodeThe Delivery Code screen allows operators to review theoperating status of the currently connected device. Thereare four Delivery Code screens. The Delivery Codescreens are accessible through the Machine Status (2/2)screen.Delivery Code (1/4)Delivery Ticket? Display OnlyIs a delivery ticket is pending? A new delivery cannotbe started until this field is cleared by successfullyprinting the last delivery ticket.Shift Ticket? Display OnlyHas a shift ticket been requested and waiting to beprinted?Flow Active? Display OnlyIs the flow active during a delivery? This fieldchanges with the Delivery Active? field, but italso turns off when a delivery is paused and turnedon when the delivery is resumed.Delivery Active? Display OnlyIs a delivery active?Delivery Code (2/4)Gross Preset Active? Display OnlyIs the current delivery a gross preset?Net Preset Active? Display OnlyIs the current delivery a net preset?Stop/Gross Preset? Display OnlyHas the current delivery been stopped by reaching agross preset value?Stop/Net Preset? Display OnlyHas the current delivery been stopped by reaching anet preset value?Delivery Code (3/4)VCF Active? Display OnlyIs the volume of the current delivery compensatedaccording to temperature?S1 Closed? Display OnlyIs the S1 solenoid closed? During preset deliveries,the S1 solenoid should be open at full product flowand closed at dwell flow.Delivery Beginning? Display OnlyIs a delivery in the process of being started?New Delivery Queued? Display OnlyHas a new delivery has been queued in the LCR600?Delivery Code (4/4)Init Warning? Display OnlyyDid a warning condition occur during the initializationof the current delivery.Config Event? Display OnlyDid a configuration event occur.Calib Event? Display OnlyDid a calibration event occur.33

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