® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...

® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...

® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...


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B .Detailed Descriptions <strong>of</strong> Typical SoilsThe pr<strong>of</strong>ile descriptions <strong>of</strong> typical soil pr<strong>of</strong>iles are taken from Report No . 21 (1) . Thesepr<strong>of</strong>iles were usually described in forested, non-agricultural areas, as evidenced by the surfacehorizonation . The taxonomic classification <strong>and</strong> soil horizon nomenclature are from the CanadianSystem <strong>of</strong> Soil Classification (7) . Detailed descriptions <strong>of</strong> several soil pr<strong>of</strong>iles from theTimiskaming District, are also published in Evans <strong>and</strong> Marul<strong>and</strong>ra's report (5) .BLANCHE SOILParent Material:Drainage:Well drainedUsual Classification :Description :Lacustrine silt loamOrthic Gray LuvisolLFH - 3 .0 cm raw humus <strong>and</strong> roots; very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) ; pH -5 .2Ah - 0-3 cm silt loam ; dark gray (10 YR 4/1) ; medium granular structure ;friable consistency ; stonefree ; pH - 5 .2Ae, - 3-8 cm silt loam ; white (10 YR 8/2) ; fine platy; s<strong>of</strong>t, stonefree ; pH r 5 .0Bf, - 8-20 cm silt loam ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/6) ; weak platy; s<strong>of</strong>t;stonefree; pH - 5 .2Ae, - 20-51 cm silt loam ; very pale brown (10 YR 7/3); weak platy; s<strong>of</strong>t ; .stonefree; pH - 5 .3Bt - 51-71 cm silty clay loam; brown (10 YR 5/3) ; medium subangular.blocky;firm ; stonefree; pH - 5 .671-85 cm silt loam ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4) ; weak mediumsubangular blocky; friable ; pH - 5.8C - 85 cm+ silt loam; pale brown (10 YR 6/3) ; pseudo platy; friable ;stonefree; noncalcareous ; pH - 6 .2BRENTHA SOILParent Material:Drainage:Well-drainedUsual Classification:Description:Glacial till less than 30 cm thick over limestone bedrockDystric BrunisolLFH - 2 .5-0 cm raw humus <strong>and</strong> rootsAh - 0-2 .5 cm loam; very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) ; granular ; friable ; moderatelystony; pH - 5 .8Ae - 2 .5-5 cm loam ; white (10 YR 8/2) ; weakly platy; friable ; moderatelystony; pH - 5 .6Bm, - 5-15 cm loam ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8) ; weak; medium subangularblocky ; friable; moderately stony; pH - 6 .5Bm 2 - 15-28 cm loam ; brownish yellow (10 YR 6/6) ; weak medium subangularblocky ; friable ; moderately stony; pH - 6 .6R - 28 cm+ ; limestone bedrock49

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