® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...

® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...

® Ontario ontario institute of pedology - Agriculture and Agri-Food ...


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ELK PIT SOILParent Material:Drainage:Well-drainedUsual Classification:Description:LFHENGLEHART SOILParent Material:Drainage :BgIICkKame moraine gravelly s<strong>and</strong>sOrthic Humo-Ferric Podzol3-0 cm partially decomposed leaves, twigs <strong>and</strong> needles ; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) ; pH - 5 .30-5 cm s<strong>and</strong> ; light gray (10 YR 7/1) ; single grain structure ; looseconsistency ; gravelly; pH - 4 .85-28 cm gravelly s<strong>and</strong> ; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/6) single grain ; loose ;moderately to very stony ; pH - 5 .528-58 cm gravelly s<strong>and</strong> ; light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4) ; single grain ;loose; moderately to very stony; pH - 5 .658 cm+ gravelly s<strong>and</strong> ; pale brown (10 YR 6/3) ; single grain ; loose ; verystony ; noncalcareous ; pH - 5 .8Variable depths <strong>of</strong> outwash s<strong>and</strong> over lacustrine clayPoorly drainedUsual Classification :Orthic Humic GleysolDescription : LFH - Thin layer <strong>of</strong> partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc .Ah 0-13 cm s<strong>and</strong>y loam ; very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) ; fine crumb structure ;very variable consistency ; stonefree ; pH - 5.213-46 cm s<strong>and</strong> ; gray (10 YR 6/1) ; very mottled ; single grain structure ;loose consistency ; stonefree ; pH - 5 .446 cm+ clay ; light brownish gray (10 YR 6/2) ; varved; very plasticconsistency when wet ; very hard when dry; stonefree; pH -7.8EVANTUREL SOILParent Material :Drainage:Well-drainedUsual Classification:Description:LFHAhBm,Bm2Calcareous, lacustrine silt loam <strong>and</strong> silty clay loamOrthic Gray LuvisolThin layer <strong>of</strong> partially decomposed leaves, twigs, etc.0-5 cm silt loam ; very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) ; fine granular structure ;friable consistency ; stonefree ; pH - 6.15-18 cm silt loam ; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) ; medium granular ; friable ;stonefree ; pH - 5 .618-33 cm silt loam ; very pale brown (10 YR 8/3) ; fine platy; friable ;stonefree ; pH - 5 .5

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