Obama or Romney? - St Paul's High School

Obama or Romney? - St Paul's High School

Obama or Romney? - St Paul's High School


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Volume 66, Issue 2 October 31, 2012Isaac WeldonContribut<strong>or</strong>The st<strong>or</strong>y of AmandaTodd has become a contemp<strong>or</strong>aryexample of several controversialtopics. Among the notable are theeffect of bullying, the power of themedia, the side effects of media,and lastly the role of adults in teenbullying.By now I’m sure that youhave heard the st<strong>or</strong>y of AmandaTodd, but a lot of people don’t hearthe dark sides of the st<strong>or</strong>y. In hearYouTube video, Todd admits thatshe has done bad things. It can beargued that the hardships she facedwere repercussions of her ownactions. Nonetheless this in no waycommends the reaction of her peers,<strong>or</strong> her own actions. Regardless ofher misdeeds and the misdeeds ofher peers, this outcome in popularityof the Amanda Todd suicide caseraises two issues I have about themedia. Firstly, the temperamentalnature of the media, and secondly,the potential detrimental side effectsthat the publicity of this situationcan induce.<strong>St</strong>udent VoiceThe <strong>St</strong><strong>or</strong>y of Amanda ToddAmanda Todd wasn’t the firstteenager to kill herself; unf<strong>or</strong>tunately,people kill themselves every day, infact, acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the W<strong>or</strong>ld HealthOrganization someone commitssuicide every 40 seconds. The factthat people are focusing on this onedeath and not the thousand othersis evidence of the temperamentalnature of the media. Don’t get mewrong, suicide is a sad reality, butthis whole Amanda Todd issuehas been blown out of prop<strong>or</strong>tion.This is the first suicide I have seenpublicized to this prop<strong>or</strong>tion in mylife, but certainly, Amanda Toddwas not the first and is not the onlyperson to ever commit suicide dueto bullying. Honestly, I believe thatthe st<strong>or</strong>y of Amanda Todd’s suicidewould not have been shared if therehad something else to talk about inthe news. Why else would they runAmanda Todd’s st<strong>or</strong>y and not thest<strong>or</strong>ies of thousands of other suicidecases? The publicity that surroundsthis situation leads to my secondissue.Bef<strong>or</strong>e her suicide AmandaTodd was very isolated. She facedR.I.P. AMANDA TODDmany difficulties in her life, wasnever taken seriously, and receivedlittle to no sympathy. After shecommitted suicide, now, she isfamous, she is popular, peopleare talking about her, people aretaking her st<strong>or</strong>y seriously, she hassympathy, and she is someone.Though the power of the media tobring attention to matters (imp<strong>or</strong>tant<strong>or</strong> not) is often positive, in thissituation it is not. In fact, this couldbe very detrimental. Teenagers insimilar situations, who struggle withbullying, unpopularity, and selfw<strong>or</strong>th,might see Amanda Todd’sst<strong>or</strong>y as an example of how to dealwith their issues. They might seesuicide as a way to become popular,to receive sympathy and to becomefamous, and that is a bad thing.One last thing that I thinkneeds to be said is that a lot of theblame should be put on the adultsin Amanda’s life. I believe that ifAmanda had better role models shewould have: one, flashed people onthe Internet, two, dealt with it better,and three, not have committedsuicide.20

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