OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...


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DEAN’ S MESSAGEMaking life better through teaching and learningDear Alumni, Parents and Friends,We continue to commit ourselvesto excellence in everything wedo. The support and encouragement Ireceive from each <strong>of</strong> you as we striveto improve is tremendous – thank you!<strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong>’s <strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong>is the school <strong>of</strong> choice by outstanding students and faculty.Once again this year, I am sharing with you thedetailed goals that we have chosen as priorities for thisyear. We have not changed our focus, which will continueto be the development <strong>of</strong> people, forming partnerships,and building a community <strong>of</strong> scholarship and practice.Through these pages, we hope to remind you <strong>of</strong> allthe ways that we are making life better through teachingand learning. Several <strong>of</strong> our outstanding faculty haveshared their current thinking about important questionsthat surround their research. We have more student successstories than we could ever include here. Our studentmanagedportfolio project had another successful year ina difficult market, and 11 <strong>of</strong> 17 finance seniors passedLevel 1 <strong>of</strong> the Certified Financial Analyst examination ontheir first attempt, defying the national averages.Our students engage productively in communitybasedlearning and service through effective business. Wehave invested in enhancing our <strong>of</strong>ferings in entrepreneurship,and seek university-wide participation by studentsand faculty in every discipline. At the same time, we seekways to involve our business students in the polytechnicdisciplines that are core to the identity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong>.In response to important questions that challenge usto assure students and employers that our graduates haveachieved our learning goals, wehave focused on outcomes assessmentfor each <strong>of</strong> our degree programs.I realize that the K-12implementation <strong>of</strong> learning assessmenthas met with mixed resultsand some dissatisfaction. Wedecided that we can and will do better, and seek to ensurethat every graduate <strong>of</strong> our programs is an effective communicator,can analyze data when making decisions, andunderstands the global nature <strong>of</strong> business and how tobuild effective teams to achieve goals. We believe that ourcurricula achieve these goals, but we want to be certain,and we want to improve.For example, we want to enhance leadership developmentin our students. This winter, we will initiate a newLeadership Institute aimed at nominated sophomore studentswho we believe can be coached to become effectiveleaders. We have always been committed to developingleaders through our clubs and organizations; this initiativeis a deliberate strategy for enhancing the results.Please remember that you are always welcome at <strong>Cal</strong><strong>Poly</strong>. While we can greet you best when you let us knowthat you are coming to campus, I <strong>of</strong>ten meet alumni whohave taken a break while driving the 101 and are just informally“checking in.” This inspired us to install aWebcam on our <strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong> Web site. Ifyou wonder if the grass is green and the sun is shininghere, just go to www.cob.calpoly.edu and click on theWebcam. We hope it makes you smile when you catch aglimpse <strong>of</strong> <strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong>.Sincerely,ORFALEA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ❚ 1

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