OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...

OCOB Ann Rep 07-08 - Orfalea College of Business - Cal Poly San ...


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ACADEMICS<strong>College</strong> celebrates achievement at <strong>Ann</strong>ual Awards BanquetThe <strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong>celebrated the end <strong>of</strong> academic year20<strong>07</strong>-<strong>08</strong> with the annual awardsbanquet, an “Evening Under theStars,” in May.The evening celebrates studentswho are selected as outstanding intheir concentrations, faculty membersselected by students to behonored as outstanding, and studentswho have excelled scholasticallyduring their <strong>Cal</strong> <strong>Poly</strong> careers.Honored for scholastic achievementby graduating summa cumlaude with a GPA <strong>of</strong> 3.85 or abovewere Daniel Avneri (Finance),Jacob Booth (Accounting), LauraFeatherstone (Finance/Accounting),Laura Ilsley (Accounting), TheresaJewell Duncan (Finance), KristinLendvay (Marketing), AndreaMuntzel (Accounting), EwelinaOboza (Accounting), Skylar Olsen(Economics), Brenna Peters (International<strong>Business</strong>), <strong>Ann</strong>etteRietkerk (Accounting), MichelleRodriguez (Finance/Accounting)and Diane Zaida (Economics).The student honored for highestacademic excellence in the <strong>Orfalea</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong> for 20<strong>07</strong>-<strong>08</strong>, andpresented with the Delta Sigma PiScholarship Key, was <strong>Ann</strong>etteRietkerk (Accounting).Each year, the faculty in eachconcentration select one graduatingsenior as their outstanding student.This student is not necessarily thehighest academic achiever in theconcentration; the selections arealso based on pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism,volunteerism, and collegiality. Theoutstanding graduating seniors ineach concentration for 20<strong>07</strong>-<strong>08</strong> are<strong>Ann</strong>ette Rietkerk in Accounting;Skylar Olsen in Economics; TheresaJewell Duncan in Finance; JustinMiller in Industrial Technology;Matthew Maclachlan in InformationSystems; Brenna Peters in Interna-Dean Dave Christy (top) congratulates<strong>Ann</strong>ette Rietkerk (Accounting) foracademic excellence. Larry Gorman(left) was named DistinguishedTeacher <strong>of</strong> the Year and Lee Burgunderreceived the Faculty Emeritus award.tional <strong>Business</strong>; Katharine Dawsonin Management; and Jaclyn Reganin Marketing.The Faculty Awards Committeealso selects five students for awardsbased on services to the community,college and university. The award forContributions to the Objectives andPublic Image <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong> went to marketing seniorSarah Riviere; for Contributions tothe Objectives and Public Image <strong>of</strong>the University, the award was givento marketing senior Jessica Gibbons.For Outstanding Service to the <strong>San</strong>Luis Obispo community, managementsenior Joshua Burroughs wasrecognized. Stephen Dinh, Accountingsenior, received the DistinguishedService award as the studentwho has participated in communityservices that benefit the collegewhile maintaining a high level <strong>of</strong>academic excellence. The finalstudent award <strong>of</strong> the evening waspresented to the student who hasparticipated in activities that havecontributed positively to the imageand improvement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Orfalea</strong><strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong> while maintaininga high level <strong>of</strong> academic excellence.The honor went to JamesHuang (Accounting).Faculty honors followed, withthe Faculty Emeritus award going toAccounting and Law Pr<strong>of</strong>essor LeeBurgunder. Distinguished Teacher <strong>of</strong>the Year honors went to FinancePr<strong>of</strong>essor Larry Gorman. Eachhonoree received a cash stipend anda plaque, and their pictures will beon display in the college’s awardsshowcase for one year.<strong>Orfalea</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Business</strong>students vote online each year foroutstanding faculty in each concentration.Voted outstanding by thestudents for 20<strong>07</strong>-<strong>08</strong> in their concentrationswere: Tad Miller, Accounting;Dan Villegas, Economics;<strong>San</strong>jiv Jaggia, Finance; Cliff Barber,Industrial Technology; Barry Floyd,Management; and Norm Borin,Marketing.Voted by the students as outstandinglecturers in their concentrationsfor 20<strong>07</strong>-<strong>08</strong> were: ChrisPerello, Accounting; Solina Lindahl,Economics; David Distad, Finance;Richard Carter, Industrial Technology;Jere Ramsey, Management; andSharon Dobson, Marketing.The banquet was co-hosted bythe college, the <strong>Business</strong> StudentCouncil, and several companies whohelped to make this year’s event anextraordinary success. Our thanks to:Blakeslee & Blakeslee, Deloitte,Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed Martin,Nestlé and Northrop Grumman.ORFALEA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ❚ 35

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