2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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SUPPORTING FACILITIES AND PROGRAMSSUPPORTING FACILITIES AND PROGRAMSBEiRUTACADEMiC COMPUTER CENTERThe Academic Computer Center operates a varietyof computer related services, in addition tosophisticated, state-of-the-art computing facilities,aimed at providing students, and faculty members,with a great academic experience.With over 130 workstations, undergraduate andgraduate students are able to gain access to a varietyof operating systems such as: Linux distributions,BSD, Windows OS, and Sun Solaris. Studentsare also well exposed to software under differentoperating system platforms. Software varies fromdesktop applications to research oriented ones.Internet and electronic facilities are available on allthe computer stations to serve students, faculty,and staff.The Academic Computer Center is managed by aseries of high performance scalable IBM BladeServers. The Blade Servers provide students with useraccounts, development tools, database services, anda wide spectrum of applications that create a uniquepool of cutting edge development environments.A Research Laboratory was inaugurated to servethe University’s Graduate Programs 24 hours a day,seven days a week, with Sun workstations, and a20-node Beowulf Cluster (used for research andadvanced computing), a multimedia lab, and aSilicon Graphics Indigo workstation.With an ever changing technological world, theneed for constant improvements, and upgrades, isat the top of the Center’s priorities. Future additionsinclude a 32-node Beowulf Cluster aimed athigh performance computing, in addition to afuture set of HPC, computer, network, and servicerelatedimprovements.BUSiNESS COMPUTER CENTERThe Business Computer Center, located in theBusiness School Building, contains 100 PersonalComputers, distributed as follows:> 21 HP Vectra Pentium IV> 1 HP Vectra Pentium IV supervisor workstation> 1 IBM Server> 20 IBM Pentium IVThis Center is used by the Business School studentsto develop skills on professional businesssoftware applications. This is achieved throughcomputer assignments given to students in variouscourses in the fields of accounting, finance, statistics,economics, research, management, managementinformation systems, etc.gRAPHiC DESigN COMPUTER lABSThe three Graphic Design Computer Labs areApple Macintosh environments equipped asfollows:> Nicol 309: 20 Power Mac G5 computers, twoPower Mac G4 computers, two laser printers, andone projector.> Nicol 529: 14 eMac computers, two Power Mac G4computers, an A3 scanner, and two A4 scanners.> Nicol 223: 15 Power Mac G4 computers, two printers,and an A0 plotter.The Graphic Design Computer Labs are equippedto support the Graphic Design Program, which featuresintensive instruction in electronic mediadesign, both print and animation. The Labs are usedfor classes, and are also open for free practice orassignments outside of class hours.NEWSROOMAt the <strong>LAU</strong> Newsroom in Nicol Hall, journalismstudents sharpen their writing, editing, and layoutskills, in a fully computerized setting. Totally renovatedin 2006, the facility is used for classes and forfree practice outside of class hours. The Newsroomis equipped with 22 iMacs, an A3/A4 HP laser colorprinter, an MM projector, a DVD/TV player, and thesoftware required for the production, and design, ofprint or online publications. All the computers areequipped with the appropriate IT and Internet connections,and direct access to Reuters wireservices.BYBlOSIn Byblos, computing facilities are distributed infive locations across the campus. Most of the workstationsfeature multiple operating systems, allowingstudents to work on the latest Microsoft OS orUNIX/Linux-based counterpart. In addition,Macintosh machines are available for GraphicDesign students. Students get to choose a campuswideusername, and password, allowing them tologin on any workstation in any computer lab.Computers can be found in the following places:1. A General Computer Center, with 60 PCs in theGeneral Area, and a Computer Science andEngineering Room, with 15 PCs and eight nodescluster for High Computing projects.2. A computerized classroom with 31 PCs, and projectionfacilities.3. An Architecture Computer Laboratory with 25PCs, network plotters, and projection facilities.4. A Mac Design lab with 25 Mac stations, and projectionfacilities.5. Several Engineering Labs, with 145 computers.All labs are equipped with network printers, scanners,and storage devices (CD writers, Zip Drives).Servers are also campus-wide and distributed asfollows:> 6 domain controllers> 2 printing and anti-virus servers> 4 file servers> 3 application servers> 2 database serversSoftware applications’ installations vary fromoffice applications, to task-oriented engineering orarchitecture tools, in addition to specialized applicationsrelated to courses requirements such asJava, .Net, C#, Oracle, J++, Forte, ArchitecturalDesktop, 3D Studio, Arcview, Robot, Ideas,Mathematica, Primavera, MS Project, Visio,Photoshop and Illustrator, MatLab, SAS, etc.Also, unlimited broadband internet access isprovided in all computing facilities throughout thecampus. These labs open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 9p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Extendedworking hours are also customary during examperiods.gENERAl iNfORMATiONACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ]15<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 14

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