2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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ACADEMIC RULES AND PROCEDURESFOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMSACADEMIC RULES AND PROCEDURESFOR UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMSl. Students who completed their course requirementsfor graduation, but who have not acquireda minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00, and/or aminimum average of 2.00 in their Major courses,are allowed to enroll for a maximum of 21 credithours, to be completed in no more than one calendaryear, starting immediately following thecompletion of the required credits. Of these 21credits, only courses numbered 300 and abovewill be considered in the cumulative GPA, or GPA,computation. If taken for the first time, coursesnumbered 200 and above will count. Any suchstudent who fails to graduate, at the end of thatyear, will be dismissed from <strong>LAU</strong>.4. Requirements for a MinorStudents can work for a Minor by completing,with a minimum GPA of 2.00, the Minor requirements.These requirements should be completedbefore a student earns his/her Bachelor’s Degree.No more than nine credits of transferable coursesmay be counted towards a Minor.5. Requirements for the Teaching DiplomaA minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 must beachieved in the courses required for the TeachingDiploma. The Teaching Diploma is granted uponcompletion of 21 required credits beyond a BS or aBA Degree. No more than six credits of transferablecourses may be counted towards the TeachingDiploma. Education courses counted in granting aMinor in Education may be counted toward theTeaching Diploma, only if it is not counted towardthe Bachelor’s degree.F. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION1. Students who complete at least 12 credit hoursin a semester (not including Summer), with aGPA in the range of 3.20 and 3.49, are placed onthe Honor List. If the GPA is in the range of 3.50and 4.00, they are placed on the DistinguishedList. The above applies provided the studentshave no incomplete grades, nor is their cumulativeGPA below 2.00. Courses taken on a Pass/NoPass basis are not considered among the 12credit hours.2. Degrees are awarded with Honors, Distinction,and High Distinction, with a cumulative GPA inthe range of 3.20- 3.49, 3.50 - 3.79, and 3.80 -4.00, respectively.G. ACADEMIC PROBATIONStudents are placed on Probation when theirwork has dropped below satisfactory levels, at anytime, irrespective of Incomplete grades, orWithdrawals.Students taking Intensive English courses are notsubject to the normal probation rules. Studentsmay not stay in Intensive English courses morethan a total of two semesters and one Summer,after which they leave the University. They cancome back only after passing the EEE or TOEFL.A student on Probation is advised to repeatcourses in which he/she received a grade of “F” or“D”, as soon as possible, and may not carry morethan 13 credits in a semester.A student is placed on Probation under one ormore of the following conditions:1. Students will not be placed on Probation untilthey have 20, or more, credits counted in thecumulative GPA.2. If, at the end of any academic term, a studentdoes not achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of2.00 in all the work done at the University, he/shewill be placed on Probation.3. If, after completing 12 credits in his/her Major, astudent’s average in the Major courses is lessthan 2.00, he/she will be placed on Divisional/Departmental Probation, and will be advised tochange their Major.X. ACADEMIC SUSPENSIONStudents on Academic Probation will be suspendedif they fail to remove the Probation in twoconsecutive semesters of enrollment at <strong>LAU</strong>(Summer modules excluded), regardless of anyIncompletes and semester Withdrawal.Students with two consecutive Probations, andwhose cumulative GPA is below 2:00 will not besuspended at the end of the semester, only if theyachieve the following: A term GPA of 2.20, in a minimumof 12 attempted credits, totaling 26.4 qualitypoints. If the student attempts less than 12 credits,a total quality points of 26.4, or more, would still berequired.Students who may petition for a one semestergrace period are those who lack 12, or fewer, credithours to graduate, and whose GPA for graduation iswithin possible reach in that one semester’s grace.Such students who are given this chance, and whodo not complete all the requirements for graduation,will be suspended.Students who can avoid suspension upon changingthe Major may do so at any time.Students with two consecutive Probations willnot be allowed to register if they have an Incompletegrade.XI. READMISSION AFTER SUSPENSIONA student suspended for academic deficienciesmust petition the Admissions Council for readmission.The petition is submitted at the Registrar’sOffice. Readmission is not automatic. Each case willbe studied on its own merit. If during the student’sabsence from <strong>LAU</strong>, he/she attended another collegeor university, he/she has to submit a transcript ofgrades from that college or university.Students readmitted, after suspension, will beplaced on probation, and be given two semesters,excluding Summers, to remove the probation. Ifthey fail to remove the probation they will bedismissed.Suspended <strong>LAU</strong> students may not receive creditfor any academic work done during the absenceperiod, if such work has not been declared prior tore-enrollment.Students suspended for academic deficienciesmay petition the University Admissions Council forreadmission if at least one of the following conditionsis met:a. The student has spent at least one semester atanother institution of higher learning recognizedby <strong>LAU</strong>, and completed a minimum of 12 credits,with an average of C, or higher. Students areurged to seek advice from the Registrar’s Officeabout institutions whose credits may be transferredto <strong>LAU</strong>.b. The student has spent one full calendar yearoutside <strong>LAU</strong> engaged in activities that mayimprove his/her chances of academic success.c. The student has passed the Special Program ofremedial courses, at the Continuing EducationProgram.Students reaching suspension with a cumulativeGPA of less than 1.20 will not be readmitted, andare dismissed.Students who have been suspended twice, willnot be readmitted, and will be dismissed. However,a dismissed <strong>LAU</strong> student may apply for reentry afterthree years of academic work in another universitywhose credits may be transferred to <strong>LAU</strong>, or sevenyears of work experience. Each case will be studiedindividually.general informationACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ]43<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 42

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