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2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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PROGRAMSPROGRAMS5. To relate the Fine Arts to other disciplines, andpractices, in design, technology, science, andthe humanities, for inspiration and areas ofinteraction.6. To help heighten students’ sense of imagination,creative personal expression, and theirpursuit for excellence in today’s highly competitiveart world.7. To provide a yearly art exhibit, and an accompanyingart catalog featuring the students’works, giving the students a taste of a professionalart exhibit, and exposing them to the artgalleries, art critics, and the public at large.learning OutcomesGraduates of the Fine Arts Program will be able toperform as:1. A professional artist who is highly trained, andequipped, to exhibiting and marketing his/herwork, accompanied with a strong portfolio,and, at the end of the year, a state-of-the-artart exhibit catalogue featuring mainly Seniorstudents’ works.2. An art teacher in elementary and secondaryschool, with a strong educational background,with a distinctive art portfolio.3. A Graduate student pursuing higher educationin Art Theory, and/or in Creative Studio Art.4. An illustrator contributing drawings and illustrationsto books, newspapers, andmagazines.5. An artist/intellectual contributing to one’s ownculture, and to the world reservoir of creativeart and art theory works.6. An art critic.7. An artist seeking employment in museumsand art galleries.The Fine Arts Program is designed to help studentsattain full development as visionaries in botha general arts context, and within the framework ofart’s history and philosophy. Students are encouragedto create a personal style, and a criticalapproach to the solution of individual problems, byexploring two-and three-dimensional media andforms. An annual Art Exhibit is an integral part ofthe Program.By choosing suitable electives, students may preparethemselves for Graduate studies, or for careersin art production, scholarly research, art education,art reporting, graphic and industrial design, bookillustration, theater, or the management of artenterprises.Students need 46 credits to graduate (37 creditsfor the Major, and 9 credits for the OtherRequirements).Major Requirements (37 credits)ART201 Fundamental of Design I 3ART202 Fundamental of Design II 3ART221 Drawing I (Fundamental Techniques) 3ART222 Drawing II (Human Figure) 3ART223 Perspective Drawing 1ART334 Graphics 3ART341 Painting I 3ART342 Painting II 3ART351 Sculpture I 3ART352 Sculpture II 3ART441 Painting III 3ART442 Painting IV 3ART499 Senior Study 3Other Requirements (9 credits)ART332 History of Art II 3ART335 Islamic Art of the Middle East 3Choose one of the followingDES371 History of Architecture I 3ART331 History of Art I 34BACHElOR Of ARTS (B.A.)iN POliTiCAl SCiENCEMissionBasing itself on the University’s Mission, theBachelor of Arts Program in Political Science providesstudents with a high quality education thatcovers the main fields of political science, namely:Comparative Politics, International Relations, andPolitical theory, as well as the methodology of politicalanalysis. The Bachelor of Arts Program preparesstudents for Graduate studies, and/or a variety ofprofessional careers.Educational ObjectivesThe purpose of the Bachelor of Arts in PoliticalScience is to:1. Prepare students for the job market, locallyand abroad, with business, industry, or government,and non-governmental institutions.2. Enable the students to seek careers in highereducation, the government bureaucracy, journalism,international organizations, legal profession,research, advertising agencies, and anyof the business enterprises and proliferatingorganizations that maintain political and economicactivities.3. Enhance the students’ knowledge of the natureof governmental processes, the functions ofpolitical systems, the structures and roles ofinstitutions and constitutions, and the mechanismof the decision-making process at thelocal, national, and international levels.4. Enhance research, and to foster a spirit of discovery,as well as to prepare students forGraduate study.5. Introduce outreach and engagement by allowingfaculty and students to contribute to thecommunity at large.6. Enhance cultural, social, legal, and ethicalissues inherent in the discipline of politicalscience, and international affairs, in theUndergraduate education.learning OutcomesGraduates in the Bachelor of Arts Program inPolitical Science will:1. Be able to comprehend the nature of governmentprocesses, the functions of political systems,the structures and roles of institutionsand constitutions, the political economy ofThird World countries, international relationsand foreign policy, and the challenges ofglobalization.2. Acquire the necessary theoretical, and methodological,tools that are essential for highlevelintellectual pursuits.3. Be encouraged to think creatively about themajor issues pertaining to this field of study,and to identify problems, conceptualize ideas,and communicate solutions, in various situationsthat emerge at the working place.Students majoring in Political Science shouldtake the General University requirements, all coursesin the Major, and the three courses listed underOther Requirements. They need 51 credits for theMajor (42 credits for the Major, and 9 credits for theOther Requirements).Major Requirements (42 credits)POL201 Introduction to Political Science 3POL221 Comparative Governments of MajorPowers 3POL312 Politics of Developing Areas 3POL321 <strong>American</strong> Government and Politics 3POL313 Concepts of International Relations 3POL322 Foreign Policy of Major Powers3POL331 International Organization 3POL323 Middle East Governments andPolitics 3POL421 The Middle East in InternationalAffairs 3POL211 History of Political Thought I 3POL212 History of Political Thought II 3POL311 Methodology and Political Analysis 3POL332 Public International Law 3POL499 Senior Study 3Other Requirements (9 credits)POL202 <strong>Lebanese</strong> Politics and Administration 3ECO202 Macro Economics 3HST311 World History in the TwentiethCentury 3ACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ] SCHOOl Of ARTS & SCiENCESA&S75<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 74

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