2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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GENERAL UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTSGENERAL UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTSFRESHMAN REQUIREMENTSFRESHMAN ARTS REQUIREMENTS(30 Credits)PHL101 Introduction to Philosophy 3ENG101 English I 1 3ARA101 Arabic Essay Reading and Writing I 2 3ART101 Introduction to Music and Art 3ENG102 English II 1 3ARA102 Arabic Essay Reading and Writing II 2 3Any two of the following Science courses (8 credits)or one of the following, and one Math course (7credits):BIO101 Introduction to Biological Science 4PHY101 Introduction to Physical Science 4BIO201 Biology I 4BIO202 Biology II 4CHM101 General Chemistry 4PHY111 Mechanics 4PHY201 Electricity and Magnetism 4——— Electives 4 or 5FRESHMAN SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS(32 Credits)CHM101 General Chemistry 4MTH101 Calculus I 3PHL101 Introduction to Philosophy 3ENG101 English I 1 3ARA101 Arabic Essay Reading and Writing I 2 3MTH102 Calculus II 3PHY111 Mechanics 4ART101 Introduction to Music and Art 3ENG102 English II 1 3ARA102 Arabic Essay Reading and Writing II 2 3GENERAL UNIVERSITYREQUIREMENTS(for continuing students)The General University Requirements are a balancedset of courses in general education for studentspursuing Bachelor’s Degrees. Some coursesare for Freshmen and are not required of enteringSophomores. Transfer students must fulfill thecourse requirements, on every level, unless theyreceive credits for similar courses completed attheir former institution.STA202 Applied Statistics 3 3HLT201 Basic Health 1PED2xx Physical Education 1CSC201 Computer Applications 3,4 1CST201 Cultural Studies I 3CST202 Cultural Studies II 3CST301 Cultural Studies III 3ENG202 Sophomore Rhetoric 3ENG203 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3ARA201 Appreciation of Arabic Literature 2 3Three Social Science courses 5 9LIBERAL ARTS CURRICULUM(for new students)The General University Requirements have beenrevised, and the new Liberal Arts Curriculum willreplace the old General University Requirements, asof the Academic Year 2007–2008. Students admittedprior to the Fall 2007 semester will continue tofollow the old General University Requirementslisted above.LIBERAL ARTS CURRICULUM OBJECTIVESStudents will acquire the tools, and ethos, ofindependent learning and thought, through a programwhich embodies the institutions’ definition ofan educated person. To achieve this, the Liberal Artscurriculum consists of a substantial number ofcourses providing breadth and depth, flexibility andchoice, and coherence as well as a balance betweenthe major domains of knowledge.LEARNING OUTCOMESAfter completing the Liberal Arts Curriculum, thestudent should demonstrate the following:> Competence in written and oral communicationin English.> The ability for scientific and quantitativereasoning.> Critical analysis and logical thinking.> Capability for continuing education.> Skills for information literacy.> Knowledge and understanding of scientific, historical,and social phenomena.> Knowledge and appreciation of the aesthetic, andethical, dimensions of humankind.Fixed Core (13 credits)ENG202 Sophomore Rhetoric 3ENG203 Fundamentals of Oral Communication 3ARA2-/3- Arabic Language or Literature 2 3CSC201 Computer Applications 4 1HLT201 Basic Health 1PED2- Physical Education 1ETH201 Ethics 1OTHER REQUIREMENTSArts(minimum of 3 credits, and a maximum of 6credits)ART331 History of Art IART335 Islamic Art of the Middle EastART431 Modern ArtCOM210 Communication Media and SocietyCOM225 The Art of FilmCOM242 Introduction to the Art of TheatreCOM249 Theatre in Lebanon and the Arab WorldCOM345 Modern DramaWOS412 Representations of Women in the Arts &the MediaDES361 Theory IDES371 History of Architecture IDES372 History of Architecture IIGRA431 History of Graphic DesignGRA432 Visual PerceptionMUS311 Survey of Western MusicMUS312 Survey of Middle Eastern MusicLiterature(minimum of 3 credits, and a maximum of 6credits)ENG211 Literature IENG212 Literature IIENG311 Literature & SocietyENG312 PoetryENG313 Forms & Modes(Repeatable for credit, if content is different)ENG314 ShakespeareENG315 20 th Century English & <strong>American</strong> NovelENG316 Literary Periods(Repeatable for credit, if content is different)ENG317 English Novel before the 20 th CenturyENG318 Drama (other than Shakespeare)general informationACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ]55<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 54

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