2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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ADMISSION TO UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMSADMISSION TO UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMSADMiSSiON TO THE fRESHMAN ClASSApplicants who might qualify for admission tothe Freshman class are:a. Holders of the High School Diploma.b. Applicants coming from the British system,and having completed a minimum of fivesubjects at the Ordinary Level, and one subjectat the Advanced Level, or two AdvancedSupplementary Level subjects, excludinglanguages.c. Applicants who have successfully completedone year of the Canadian (CEGEP) program.d. Holders of the International Baccalaureatecertificate from outside Lebanon.Holders of a General Certificate of Education(GCE) certificate with only O-level subjects do notqualify for admission.Admission of lebanese Applicants to thefreshman Class<strong>Lebanese</strong> applicants admitted to the Freshmanclass must obtain, prior to their registration, a permission,from the Equivalence Committee of the<strong>Lebanese</strong> Ministry of Education, stating that thestudent is allowed to enroll in a foreign program. Toobtain this permission, the applicant must showevidence of having studied outside of Lebanon, forat least two years, at the intermediate and secondarylevel, or three years at the elementary level. Theapplicant should also sit for the SAT I and SAT IIexams, prior to enrolling in the Freshman class.The Equivalence Committee specifies a minimumscore of 2750 for Freshman Arts, and 2850 forFreshman Science, for the six subjects of SAT I andSAT II combined.The subjects in the SAT II exams, required forapplicants to the Freshman Science, are:> Mathematics 2C> Two sciences from Biology, Chemistry, or PhysicsThe subjects of SAT II exams, required for applicantsto the Freshman Arts, are:> Mathematic I or IC> Any two subjects can be chosen from the SAT IIsubject tests.Admission of Non-lebanese Applicants tothe freshman ClassNon-<strong>Lebanese</strong> applicants who qualify for admissionto the Freshman class may sit for the SAT Iexam, or take the Freshman Placement Examadministered at <strong>LAU</strong>.TRANSfER fROM OTHER UNiVERSiTiESa. Students coming from <strong>LAU</strong>-recognized institutionsof higher education, and who have met<strong>LAU</strong>’s admission requirements prior to theiradmission to the institution they are transferringfrom, may apply for admission.b. Students who have successfully completed 12credits will be accepted, without any PlacementExams. Students who have successfully completedless than 12 credits have to sit for aPlacement Exam, FE or SE, depending on theclass they have completed at school.c. Transfer applicants must submit official transcriptsof records, as well as academic catalogsfrom all the previous colleges, or universities,they have attended, along with the applicationfor admission.d. Evaluation of credits is usually made beforethe time of registration. The School concernedand the Registrar’s Office determine theacceptability of courses for transfer credits.e. Transfer students coming from an <strong>LAU</strong>recognizedinstitution of higher educationwhere English is the language of instruction,are not required to take the EEE or TOEFL.However, if they had not taken any transferableEnglish course in their former institution,these students are given the option of eithertaking ENG009 Remedial English, or sitting foran English placement test. Transfer studentscoming from an <strong>LAU</strong>-recognized institution ofhigher education where English is not the languageof instruction, are required to take theEEE or the TOEFL.ADMiSSiON TO PROfESSiONAl SCHOOlSfOR A SECOND DEgREEApplicants with a Bachelor’s degree may apply toa professional school, by filling out an applicationfor admission in the Admissions Office. Applicantsfor the second degree must complete all the requirementsof the school in which they intend toenroll.VAliDiTY Of ACCEPTANCE fORADMiSSiONAdmission is only valid for one calendar year. If astudent is admitted for a certain semester and, forsome reason, does not register, a “ReactivationApplication” is needed. Reactivation Applicationsare available at the Admissions Offices, free ofcharge.SPECiAl PROgRAMSExcelsior College DegreeThis Program is designed by <strong>LAU</strong> and the Boardof Regents of the University of the State of NewYork, for students who cannot secure equivalencefor the Baccalaureate Degree from the <strong>Lebanese</strong>Ministry of Education. They may apply to theFreshman class, and, upon the completion of anAssociate Degree, may pursue a bachelor’s degreein Liberal Arts, a bachelor’s degree in General Business,or a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.Courses taken at <strong>LAU</strong> are evaluated by programofficers in New York. Bachelor’s begrees are issuedby the Excelsior College and not by <strong>LAU</strong>.Non-Degree and Special StudentsNon-Degree and Special Students are those whoare eligible for admission, and choose to takecourses for credit, without working towards adegree. Non-Degree Students may petition for adegree status.Teaching DiplomaApplicants to the Teaching Diploma must havecompleted the requirements for the bachelor’sdegree. Applicants graduating from an <strong>LAU</strong>recognizedinstitution of higher education, whereEnglish is not the language of instruction, arerequired to pass the EEE, or the TOEFL.gENERAl iNfORMATiONACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ]31<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 30

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