2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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PROGRAMSPROGRAMSTHEATRECore RequirementsCOM210 Communication, Media and SocietyCOM329 Media Law and EthicsCOM222 Introduction to Radio/TV/FilmCOM225 The Art of FilmCOM242 Introduction to the Art of TheaterCOM451 Media Research MethodsCOM499 InternshipEmphasis RequirementsCOM241 Introduction to ActingCOM244 Introduction to Technical StagecraftCOM247 Theater in PerformanceCOM326 Script WritingCOM342 Play Production ICOM487 Topics in Drama & TheatreCOM442 Play Production IICOM343 Advanced ActingSuggested ElectivesSame list in addition to following:COM368 Radio/TV/Film WorkshopPHO212 Photography IICOM213 Public RelationsCOM238 Drama WorkshopCOM251 Interpersonal CommunicationCOM332 EditingWOS412 Representations of Women in theArts & MediaCOM255 Current Affairs in <strong>Lebanese</strong> Media4BACHElOR Of ARTS (B.A.)iN EDUCATiONMissionUnder the umbrella of <strong>LAU</strong>’s Vision, the Missionof the Education Program is to prepare professionalK-12 teachers who are academically well groundedin both their subject matter, and pedagogy, and toenable experienced educators to update theirknowledge and skills.Educational ObjectivesThe Education Program aims to prepare teacherswho demonstrate:A. Relevant Knowledge – This includes:> Depth and breadth in subject, and in content.> General pedagogical knowledge.> Specific pedagogical content knowledge.> An awareness of the professional standards.> An awareness of the developmentally practice (inearly childhood education).> An awareness of the national curriculumstandards.B. Practical Skills> Diverse approaches to instruction.> Effective classroom management strategies.> Motivational strategies.> Strategies to promote higher-level thinking.> Guidance and Discipline methods.C. Appropriate Attitude> Readiness to develop authentic relationships withstudents.> Readiness to establish a democratic, and sociallyjust, learning environment.> Readiness to reflect on one’s practice, and continuouslearning.learning OutcomesGraduates in the Bachelor of Arts in Education willbe able to:1. Develop clear and measurable instructionalobjectives.2. Prepare yearly, term, and unit plans to adequatelyaddress curriculum content.3. Prepare plans for effective instructional cycles,using a variety of instructional approachesappropriate to the content/skill.4. Employ effective instructional practices thatoptimize learning opportunities.5. Use appropriate assessment methods, bothformative and summative.6. Plan and implement effective classroom managementstrategies.7. Employ strategies to motivate students.8. Implement strategies that minimize disciplineproblems.<strong>LAU</strong> offers two programs in Education:1. Early Childhood Education2. Elementary EducationThe Early Childhood Education Program preparesstudents to:> Plan and administer all the aspects of early childhoodprograms.> Teach young students basic motor and cognitiveskills through art, music, creative dramatics, andother techniques> Use carefully planned teaching strategies basedon children’s developmental stages.The Elementary Education Program preparesstudents to:> Teach children reading, language arts, mathematics,science, social studies, art, drama, music, andphysical education.> Employ teaching strategies, which stimulate children’sthinking and challenge them to learn.> Use the latest instructional tools, and techniques,to make your teaching more effective.All Programs of study include:1. The Core Requirements - These include theGeneral Education courses.2. The Emphasis Requirements–These includecourses in the content area, such as English,Arabic, Social Studies, Math, and Science,Drama, etc…, and courses in Methods, such asteaching of social studies, Art Education etc…3. Practicum and MethodologyRequirements for a B.A. in educationGeneral University Requirements (34 Credits)A. Core Course for all Education Majors (24 credits)EDU201 Fundamentals of Education 3EDU301 School Counseling 3EDU319 Teaching Reading 3EDU321 Children’s Literature 3EDU331 Educational Technology 3EDU332 Educational Measurement 3EDU499 Senior Study 3PSY422 Psychology of Learning 3B. Methods Courses (6 credits)COM337 Creative Dramatics 3ART333 Art Education 3MUS301 Music 3EDU312 TEFL 3EDU313 Teaching of Science and Math 3EDU314 Teaching of Social Studies 3EDU414 Methods and Materials in ECE* 3* Required for Early Childhood Education.C. Practicum (12 credits)EDU202 Observation and Curriculum 3EDU419 Internship 3And one Practice Teaching course:EDU420 Practice Teaching, Early ChildhoodEducation 6EDU421 Practice Teaching, ElementaryEducation 6EDU422 Practice Teaching, ElementaryMathematics, and Science 6D. Subject Matter Area Electives (12 credits)For Early Childhood Education:EDU205 Safety and Health 3EDU213 Introduction to Language 3——— Other subject matter area courses 6For Elementary Education:Choose 12 credits from one or two subject matterareas.E. Free Electives (7 credits)ACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ] SCHOOl Of ARTS & SCiENCESA&S71<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 70

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