2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

2008–2009 (PDF, 6 MB) - LAU Publications - Lebanese American ...

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PROGRAMSPROGRAMSStudents must complete 39 credits in the CoreRequirements, 25 credits in the General UniversityRequirements, and 28 credits in the Free Electives.Core Requirements (39 credits)PSY201 Introduction to Psychology 3PSY202 Child Psychology 3PSY203 Psychology of Youth 3PSY204 Social Psychology 3PSY301 Physiological Psychology 3PSY311 The Exceptional Child 3PSY322 Cognitive Psychology 3PSY325 Abnormal Psychology 3PSY335 Consumer’s Psychology 3PSY421 Theories of Personality 3PSY422 Psychology of Learning 3PSY498 Topics in Psychology 3PSY499 Psychology Senior Study 3Free electives (28 credits)4BACHElOR Of ARTS (B.A.)iN SOCiAl WORKMissionThe Social Work Program at <strong>LAU</strong> seeks to preparestudents for generalist social work practice, throughthe provision of a professional foundation curriculum.This curriculum contains the common body ofthe profession’s knowledge, values, and skills that istransferable to groups, settings, and social problemareas. The Program endorses a liberal arts perspective,and a professional foundation content, whichprepares students for direct services with client systemsof various sizes and types.Educational ObjectivesThe purpose of the Bachelor of Arts in SocialWork is to:1. Help students connect foundation knowledgewith practice concerns and issues.2. Prepare students to use bio psychosocialdevelopment across the life span, with an integrativemultidimensional approach.3. Instill in students the skills for assessing thesocial functioning of individuals and families,and to design appropriate interventionstrategies.4. Provide content about social work practicewith client systems of various sizes and types.5. Prepare graduates to participate in diversepopulations.6. Provide content about the social contexts ofsocial work practice, the changing nature ofthose contexts, the behavior of organizations,and the dynamics of change.7. Infuse, throughout the curriculum, the valuesand ethics that guide professional social workersin their practice.8. Prepare graduates who are aware of theirresponsibility to continue their professionalgrowth and development.learning OutcomesGraduates in Bachelor of Arts in Social Work will beable to:1. Apply critical thinking skills, within the contextof professional social work practice.2. Practice within the values and ethics of thesocial work profession.3. Understand and appreciate diversity, andtherefore respect the various populationgroups.4. Demonstrate a professional use ofthemselves.Students majoring in Social Work must complete39 credits. The Program aims at acquainting studentswith the principles in the social sciences andhumanities, as well as the basic skills in interpersonaland inter-group communication. Students arehelped to understand, and to critically analyze, currentand past social policies, with a focus on theirsocial and economic dynamics. The Program preparesstudents for Graduate studies, or for careersin social work, based on the local and regional marketdemand.Major Core Requirements (21 credits)SOC301 Introduction to Social Work 3SOC313 Family and Child Welfare 3SOC402 Social Work Intervention I 3SOC403 Social Work Intervention II 3SOC404 Social Work Practicum I 3SOC405 Social Work Practicum II 3SOC499 Social Work Senior Study 3Social Science Requirements (18 credits)SOC201 Introduction to Sociology 3SOC311 Social Problems 3SOC321 Sociology in the Arab World 3PSY201 Introduction to Psychology 3PSY204 Social Psychology 3PSY311 The Exceptional Child 3Free Electives (19 credits)4MiNOR iN SOCiOlOgYA Minor in Sociology seeks to provide a qualityeducation to students, and to enrich their knowledgeof modern societies, with particular emphasison Lebanon and other Arab countries.The Minor aims at advancing a strong sociologicalunderstanding of contemporary society, addressingits complexities, and the individual’s placewithin it.Educational ObjectivesThe purpose of the Minor in Sociology is to:1. Enhance students’ ability to think criticallyabout sociological theories and social issues.2. Develop students’ research and writing skills.3. Develop students’ professional and practicalskills, so as to assist them in obtaining jobs inthe local, regional, and international markets.4. Provide a strong sociological grounding forstudents majoring in other disciplines.learning OutcomesGraduates in the Minor in Sociology will:1. Acquire the ability to apply sociological concepts,to better understand the social issues,and to overcome social problems.2. Acquire the ability to find jobs in fields relatedto Sociology (social work, community development,social research, journalism, etc…)3. Develop the ability to communicateeffectively.4. Lay the groundwork for the pursuit of graduatestudies in Sociology.How Students Benefit from the SociologyMinor:The courses for the Minor in Sociology will becounted as part of the Social Science requirementsand free electives. <strong>LAU</strong> students will have a chanceto graduate with a Degree in their Major, and aMinor in Sociology.Students from many disciplines, such asEducation, Communication Arts, Social Work,Political Science, International Affairs, Economics,English Literature, Graphic Design, and Architecture,will benefit from this Minor. The contents of thecourses are designed to address some of the issuesraised by these disciplines, from a sociologicalperspective.For a Minor in Sociology, students must choosesix out of the following eight courses:SOC201 Introduction to Sociology(prerequisite)SOC215 Introduction to Gender StudiesSOC212/COM212 Media & SocietySOC303/ARC581 Urban Sociology/Urban Planning ISOC304 Sociology of ReligionSOC321 Sociology of the Arab WorldSOC401 Sociological Theories (required)SOC488 Topics in Sociology (required)To complete the Minor, students have to choosethree courses, in addition to SOC201, SOC401, andSOC488.ACADEMIC CATALOG [ 2008-2009 ] SCHOOl Of ARTS & SCiENCESA&S79<strong>Lebanese</strong> <strong>American</strong> University | page 78

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