Promoting child rights in Kenya - Pelastakaa Lapset ry

Promoting child rights in Kenya - Pelastakaa Lapset ry

Promoting child rights in Kenya - Pelastakaa Lapset ry


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i) The Street Families Rehabilitation Trust Fund: The Trust Fund was set up <strong>in</strong> March, 2003 after consultationsbetween government, the private and public sectors to address the ever ris<strong>in</strong>g numbers of <strong>child</strong>ren, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g entirefamilies liv<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on the streets. The focus of the Trust Fund is coord<strong>in</strong>ation of rehabilitation services forstreet families <strong>in</strong> <strong>Kenya</strong> through partner<strong>in</strong>g with other service providers <strong>in</strong> both the private and public sector. Themandate of the Trust Fund is to mobilize resources and manage a fund to support rehabilitation activities for streetfamilies. The M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Local Government is a key partner <strong>in</strong> the Trust Fund.j) The National Council for Persons with Disabilities is established under the Persons with Disabilities Act, 2003 toguide policy <strong>in</strong>tervention for all persons with disabilities, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>child</strong>ren. The Council has partnered with variousCSOs to conduct regular awareness programs for <strong>child</strong>ren with disabilities <strong>in</strong> order to reduce stigmatization andencourage parents to seek medical and education services for <strong>child</strong>ren with disabilities.k) <strong>Kenya</strong> Institute of Special Education (KISE): KISE conducts skills tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g at Diploma level target<strong>in</strong>g teachers of<strong>child</strong>ren with various forms of disability.l) The M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Public Health and Sanitation (MPHS) implements health and sanitation policies and programsfocused on <strong>child</strong>ren. They <strong>in</strong>clude Child Survival Strategy, Child Health Policy, Community Integrated Management ofChildhood Illness (IMCI), National School Health Policy, Guidel<strong>in</strong>es for implementation of Environmental Sanitation andHygiene Policy and the Draft Food Safety Policy.m) The Social Protection Programmes for OVC are implemented through the M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Gender, Children andSocial Development. The Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) currently covers 60 districts (2010) and serves 437,000households with ve<strong>ry</strong> needy orphans and vulnerable <strong>child</strong>ren. A cash transfer program for the aged and for personswith disability has also been established.n) Devolved funds: Schemes such as Constituency Development Fund (CDF) and the Local Authority Transfer Fund(LASDAP/LATF) target <strong>child</strong>ren from ve<strong>ry</strong> poor families who are academically bright and provides them with educationbursaries for their seconda<strong>ry</strong> education. Schools and community groups can also access funds for e.g. construction orrehabilitationo) M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Education: Some of the relevant programs and policies for <strong>child</strong>ren <strong>in</strong>clude the national Free Prima<strong>ry</strong>Education (FPE), <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> 2003; Free Tuition Seconda<strong>ry</strong> Education (FTSE) <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> 2008 to allow for 12years of basic education; and mobile schools <strong>in</strong> arid and semi-arid areas. (Transition of students from prima<strong>ry</strong> toseconda<strong>ry</strong> education has significantly improved from 57.3% <strong>in</strong> 2005 to 72.5% currently due to the <strong>in</strong>troduction ofFTSE).ECDE services are currently partly provided by the government through a policy of partnership among the M<strong>in</strong>istries ofEducation and Local Government, Non- Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations and FaithBased Organizations. The m<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> has also developed a program on Technical Industrial Vocational andEntrepreneurship Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g (TIVET), which is one of the Investment Programs under the <strong>Kenya</strong> Education SectorSupport Program (KESSP). The objective of this program is “to reduce <strong>in</strong>equity <strong>in</strong> society through <strong>in</strong>creased tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gopportunities for females, the disabled and learners from poor households” 62 . The enrolment <strong>in</strong> TIVET <strong>in</strong>creased by32.1% from 2008-2010. The Non Formal Education Guidel<strong>in</strong>es have also been developed by the m<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong>.On <strong>in</strong>clusive Education for Children with Special Needs, the M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Education has <strong>in</strong>creased fund<strong>in</strong>g to SpecialNeeds Education (SNE). Most units are <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong>to the normal prima<strong>ry</strong> schools.The m<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> has also enhanced participation of girls <strong>in</strong> education through provision of gender sensitive facilities,build<strong>in</strong>g of toilets for girls <strong>in</strong> schools and provision of sanita<strong>ry</strong> pads.The School Feed<strong>in</strong>g Program is implemented under the School Health, Nutrition and Feed<strong>in</strong>g Investment Programunder the KESSP of the M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Education <strong>in</strong> partnership with various stakeholders <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the World FoodProgramme (WFP) <strong>in</strong> areas with chronic food scarcity.62M<strong>in</strong>ist<strong>ry</strong> of Education, National Action Plan on Education for All (2003-2015), p.7958

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