Revised ATMA Guidelines - TNAU Agritech Portal

Revised ATMA Guidelines - TNAU Agritech Portal

Revised ATMA Guidelines - TNAU Agritech Portal


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iii)iv)SREPs need to be reviewed at specific interval for modifications, if any,jointly by PD <strong>ATMA</strong>/ In-charge KVK and other stakeholders.The researchable issues emanating from SREPs would be addressed byKVKs and the researchable issues beyond the control of KVKs would beaddressed by SAUs & ICAR.v) Scientists of KVK, Agricultural Research Stations of SAUs and ICARInstitutions should participate in the preparation of Block Action Plans aswell as District Agriculture Action Plans.vi)Routing of funds through University Headquarters to KVKs at times delaythe implementation of short term researchable proposals. A mechanismneeds to be worked out to directly release funds to KVKs after the WorkPlan is approved.4. To address these issues, it is proposed to put in place the followingmechanism: -i) The States/SAUs/NGOs may ensure involvement of KVKs under theircontrol in specific <strong>ATMA</strong> activities viz. SREP Preparation, conduct ofDemonstrations, Field days, Kisan Melas, Goshties and operationalizationof Farm Schools. The contribution of KVKs in all these activities, exceptSREP Preparation, will be in terms of providing technical backstopping.<strong>ATMA</strong> and KVK scientists should coordinate with one another in theconduct of Field Days, Kisan Melas, Goshties and setting up of FarmSchools, so that there is no duplication in coverage and ensurepercolation of appropriate scientific practices down to the field level..ii)iii)The local researchable issues may be jointly identified by <strong>ATMA</strong>s andKVKs through the process of SREP preparation. The researchable issuesrelated to technology assessment and refinement shall be taken upthrough on-farm trials by the KVKs to identify the location specificityunder different farming systems. Such issues may be incorporated intothe Annual Action Plan of KVKs finalized in the Scientific AdvisoryCommittee (SAC) of KVKs in the presence of officials from the LineDepartments including <strong>ATMA</strong> representatives. The researchable issueswhich are not related to assessment and refinement of the technologiesmay be dealt with at the level of Regional Research stations ofSAUs/ICAR institutions.<strong>ATMA</strong> Management Committee having Head, KVK as its member mayreview the progress of research related activities funded by <strong>ATMA</strong>.Besides, the KVK may also provide an Agricultural Technology Update<strong>Guidelines</strong> for Modified ‘Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms’ Scheme, 201082

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