Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT


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~~scd to store Iicccssar!z ciata and pointers; hr mostfunction calls, it is only necessary to pass a pointerto tliis structure. Tliis redl~ccs the stack o\.erhcad ,lndalso !riclds mod~llar ,)lid c:~sil\r cstcnsible subroutines.lPl.6 lias a cicdic.~tcd interrupt processing thread,,lnd rccci\,cci 111.6 packets arc placed onto thcir o\\,ninterface inp~~r queue (ifcll~cuc). PVhcn an Ih.6 pacl,~cltcts ,11-c checked to scc that thedestination m,ltcIics one of tlic system's ndcircsscs. Intlic special cnsc of the pacltct bcing t'irgctcd to a linkloc.ilacicircss, only tlic link-loc~ll .~dtfrcss for the recci\ringintcrhcc is comp,lrcd. If there is ,in exact match,the p~cltct is proccsscd normnlly; otlicr\visc, it isp'lsscd to tlic ~~nicast pacltct for\varding ro~~tinc.Header ProcessingAkcr ,i pacl

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