Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT


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CLIENT 1 CLIENT 3 CLIENT 1 CLIENT 3 CLIENT 1 CLIENT 3CLIENT 1 CLIENT 3nNODE 3I I I IMEMORYCHANNELHUBKEY:= MEMORY CHANNEL LINK CABLE- FDDl- ETHERNETFigure 6I .ogic.ll 1)cscription of the Net\\.ork 71'opolog\Each emulated user on the RTE uses a differentseed so all clients are not executing the mix inthe same order.There is a one-to-one relationship betweenemulated users and TPC Client Forms.For this lest. 44 totalTuxedo Servers servicerequests. Each processservices one type oftransaction. However.not all transactiontypes have the samenumber ol serverprocesses.-----I\For this test. 1.620 users were emulatedRTEon each RTE. This number however, isI/ deprndont on the amount 61 memory onUSERS the client.I 1 1 IFigure 7(:onlni~lnicario~l bet\veen an RTE, .i Client, and a Scr\,crfTUXEDO LIBRARIESI I I I0Communication IS TCPIlPFDDl RING7SERVER (CLUSTER NODE)LAT connections were used from emulatedusers to TPC Client Forms.fTPC Client Forms/ send requestslo the appropriateorder queueEach queuerepresents onetransaction type./

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