Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT


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Forum product can support . ~ l l tlic uscrs tliat a Webscr\cr can handle slncc only one repository of usersand groups is necessarv.Community, Team, and Personal Vistas A vista isallothcr term for home page, \vhich is a place for theuser to log in to the WWW. Once in tlic community\.ism, tlie user sees a set ofp~~blic fi)ru~ns and links toperform various tasks, c.g., register oncsclt; look upteams or join a team, perform AltaVista Forum administrativetasks (if an administrator), and so on. For thisreason, the cornmunit\, \.ista is also called the summit.In ~nucli the same \\.a\., n tcaln \vista lieeps trnck of allthe fi,r~~ms and links for n group of users, and a personalvista performs this f~nction for single user.lloth team and personal vistas can o\\:~i forums that arc~iot visible to the public community vista.Discussion iUuch lilte a b~~llctin-boardiscussiongro~~p or Digital's Dl

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