Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT


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Table 8Architectures Implemented by SIMPDP-8 PDP-11 NovaCPU PDP-8/E J-I 1, Q-bus Nova 820Options KE8E EAE, Integral FPl I MultiplyldivideKM8E memory extensionMemory 4-32K words 16 KB-4 MB 4-32K wordsTerminal KL8E DL1 1 KSR-33, DasherPaper tape PC8E PC1 1 YesClock DK8E KW11L YesPrinter LE8E LP11 YesStorage RX8ElRXO1 RXll/RXOI 4019RK8ElRK05 RKlllRK05 4046f4047, 4048,RF08lRS08 RLVll/RLOl,Z 4057,4234Magnetic tape TM8ETTU 10 TMllTTU10 6026PDP-4 PDP-7 PDP-9 PDP-15CPUOptionsMemoryTerminalPaper tapeClockPrinterStorageMagnetic tapePDPd4-8K wordsKSR-28IntegralT75 punchYesT62PDP-7TI77 EAE,TI48 memoryextension4-32K wordsKSR-33T444 readerT75 punchYesT647T24 drumPDP-9KE09A EAE,KX09A memoryprotectionKP09A power4-32K wordsKSR-33PC09Areader- punchYesT647 ERF09IRS09PDP-15/30KE 15 EAE,KM15 memoryprotectionKP15 power4-1 28K wordsKSR-35PC1 5 readerpunchYesLP15RFI 5lRS09RPI 5IRP02TC59TTU 10the hard\\.arc. In adclition, Rill pro\,ided a \vorki~igOS/8 systcm disk, and John copied several Pl3P-11operating systcm disks off a \\,orking PDP-11/34.Megan Gcntr!. was an important source of PDP-11tblklorc, debugged some of the subtlest problems, crcatcdtlic Mal

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