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Magazine - 1000 BiT

Magazine - 1000 BiT


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Further ReadingsThc Digital Technical.jon~~~~cil is a refereed, quarterlypublication of papers that explore the foundations ofDigital's products and technologies. Journal contentis selected by the Journal Ad\lisory Board, and papersare \\rritten by Digital's engineers and engineeringpartners. Engineers \\dlo \ilould like to contribute apaper to the./ounzal should contact the managingeditor, Jane Blalte, at Ja11e.B1aIte@ljo.dec.com.Top~cs co\~ered in pre\~ious issucs of the nlglrnlTech~~icn/./o~~rnal are as follo\ia:Spiralog Log-structured File System/OpenVMSfor 64-bit Addressable Virtual Memory/High-performance Message Passing for Clusters/Speech Recognition SoftwareVol. 8, No. 2, 1996, EY-N6992- 18Digital UNIX Clusters/Object ModificationTools/eXcursion for Windows Operating Systems/Network Directory ServicesVal. S, NO. 1,1996, EY-U025E-TJAudio and Video Technologies/UNJX AvailableServers/Real-time Debugging ToolsVol. 7, No. 4,1995, EY-UOO2E-TJHigh Performance Fortran in ParallelE~~viro~lrnents/Se~oia 2000 ResearchVol. 7, No. 3, 1995, EY-T83SE-TI(A\,nil,tblc only on the lntcr~ict)Graphical Software Development/Systems Engi~leeri~igVol. 7, No. 2, 1995, EY-U001E-TIDatabase Integration/Alpha Servers & Workstations/Alpha 21 164 CPUVol 7, No. 1, 1995, EY-1'135E TJ(A\allnblc olil!~ on the Internet)RAID Array Controllers/Workflow Models/PC LANand System Management ToolsVol. 6, No. 4, Fall 1994, EY-T11SE-TJAlphaserver Multiprocessing Systems/DEC OSF/lSymmetric Multiprocessing/Scientific ComputingOptimization for AlphaVol. 6, No. 3, Summer 1994, EY-S799E-TIAlpha AXP Partners-Cray, Raytheon, I

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