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a set of attributes that is similar to a relational datdbasetalzlc. The toolkit pro\!idcs each entry \\,ith a set ofbuilt-in attributes (such as title, creation and modificdtiondates, and author). I-he applications can thendcli\~cr additional attributcs.Tlic toolkit provides the means to retrieve, modi$,and iterate through the collection of entries in astr'~ightforward manner. Bcc~~lsc the attributes arep.lrt of the application description ~ n are d not storedin a separate database, the toolkit can use its lu~o\\.lcdgcof the attributes to simplif\r certain commonoperations. For example, because tmnsferring datafl-om M'I'ML. forms to the tiatabase and back is a b.~sicol.xration in colJaborati\~e 'ipplications, the toolkit canlink fields on forms to database attributes, making itpossilble to store them n~itli a single com~lland. To supporta djrn~mic de\fclopmcnt cnvironme~lt, the toollitalso upgradcs databases in real tinic as nc\v attributesarc added or deleted. This permits tlie applicationdci.eloper to conccntratc on the task at hand ratherthan \\.err\! about databasc managcmcnt tasks.Altl~ougl? the prirnar!, organi~ation ~ncchanism is '1fl~t table indcsed by docu~ncnt identifiers, the databascintegrates a hierarchical relationship ben\!een entries\\hen necessary. Because liier,lrcliies are cornrnon incollaborative applications (c.g., foldcrs/documentsand topics/replies)), it was important to reflect this ina natural way in the database.In addition to attributes, the datab.ise offers propcrties.Compared to attributes, \\~hicli arc stored for eachcntr!, in the databasc, properties arc stored withine,~cIi forum. Application clesigners can use these propertiesin an!! \fray tlic\r desire: the\, .Ire simple key-\valuerclationsliips. The Alta\iista For~lrn sohvare ~~scspops-ties to impleme~~t a \rariety of features, fromaccess co~ltrol policies to the I>acIkgro~~nd color of thescrccn display.User properties are an extension of standard forumproperties. They act like forum psopcrtics except thatthey arc tied to tlie user \\.lie is executing the transaction.User properties keep database loclung to a niinimumbecause, in collaborati\,e ,~pplic,~tions, a user \\,illt\~pic'~ll\' execute onl!, one transaction at a time.Indexing and Search: The Way of the Future?One Itcy design decision \\,as to include an inclexing,~nd search cnginc as a basic component of the product.Although the database is often the central piece ofa groupware product, an indexing and search engineoftcn plays a similar role for '1 WWW site. This develop~naitis completely consistent with tllc philosophyof the WWW-inbrmation is linked as needed, notncccssarily follou,ing any structure. Database use ismore suitable for inform,ition objects that have some~~niformity in their definitions.The basic function of the indexing engine is to mapa set oF\\~ords to a docunicnt containing thosc words.term docunient is ~~seti in ,I generic sense. It canbe any logical entity associated \irith a set or nlords.)-.I lie indcxing information IIILIS~ be stored in such a\\.a)r tliat subseq~~ent searchcs based on individual\\/orcis (and phrases) 'Ire efficient and speedy. Theindexing engine in the Alt~Vista Forum toollcit isbasically the same indexing cnginc '~\r,~ilable on theAltaVista \Web site.' l>esig~led and implemented atIligit,~l's System Research Center, it is liiglil!~ scalableand efficient.'.l'lie built-in databasc fi~nctions '1s a repository fixentries \\zit11 3 predefined set of attributcs. It pro\.idesfast retrieval when tlie entries arc identified using eitheran cntl-)I 113 or a hicrarcliical 113, and it pro\,idcs sirnplccreating, updating, and sorting f~~nctions associatedw~itli rctrie\~al. The indexing and search engine complementsthe AltaVista Forum ciat,lbase: it proi~ides acontent-based search method and f ~nctions at higherspccd. Since the search engine is extremely fast andsc,ll,~ble, \ve also use it to index some of tlie attribute\-alucs in the database. This allo\\rs us to use tlie se'~rcliengine for certain cornputci~~tc~lsi\~e scarches thatotlicr\\/isc \\,auld be performed by the database.Kascd on our expel-icncc, \\,c cxpcct the capabilitiesof the indexing and search cnginc to continue toexpand. As the popularity of the WM'W technologycontinues to grow, the vol~~mc of pi~blislied information\\till also increase. Only a small a~iio~unt of thisinformation can be effecti\,elv c

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