A Performance Audit of the Utah Telecommunication Open ...

A Performance Audit of the Utah Telecommunication Open ...

A Performance Audit of the Utah Telecommunication Open ...


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UTOPIA shouldidentify specific areaswhere mistakes havebeen made and draft aformal policy toaddress each problem.A Written Plan Is a Basic Accountability Tool. By drafting awritten development plan, UTOPIA can articulate <strong>the</strong> changes it hasmade to its construction process, communicate <strong>the</strong> steps it has takento address past mistakes and provide a timeline when certain goals andmilestones might be accomplished. A well-written plan can also helpUTOPIA gain <strong>the</strong> support it needs from its member cities, ensure staffand board members clearly understand <strong>the</strong> strategy, and hold staffaccountable for achieving <strong>the</strong> agreed-upon goals. Without specificnarrative to a written development plan approved by <strong>the</strong> board, wequestion how UTOPIA can claim it is committed to a new businessstrategy that will lead to <strong>the</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> network and avoidrepeating past mistakes.Improved Management Practices Should Be Formalized inPolicy and Approved by <strong>the</strong> BoardAs mentioned in Chapter III, UTOPIA’s board and managementteam readily admit that several mistakes have been made in <strong>the</strong> pastthat contributed to <strong>the</strong> agency’s weakened financial condition. Theyhave also told us that <strong>the</strong>y have taken a number <strong>of</strong> steps to make sure<strong>the</strong> problems have been addressed. However, we have not been able todocument that any formal board action has been taken to prevent <strong>the</strong>agency from repeating <strong>the</strong> management mistakes and poor businesspractices <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> past. To provide greater assurance that correctiveaction has been taken, <strong>the</strong> agency should identify specific areas wheremistakes have been made and draft a formal set <strong>of</strong> policy guidelines toaddress each problem. The policies should <strong>the</strong>n be submitted forboard approval. The following sections describe three examples.UTOPIA shouldformalize in writing <strong>the</strong>plans and policiesregarding a minimumlevel <strong>of</strong> interest neededfor building in newareas.Policy Action Is Needed to Avoid Additional UnderutilizedInvestments. Chapter II describes <strong>the</strong> financial challenges UTOPIAfaces, in part because <strong>of</strong> its many stranded and underused investments.UTOPIA staff have assured us <strong>the</strong>y are taking steps to avoid creatingadditional underused investments. No longer will <strong>the</strong>y build sections<strong>of</strong> network with <strong>the</strong> mere hope that subscribers will decide to use <strong>the</strong>service. Instead, <strong>the</strong> agency states that in <strong>the</strong> future it will only build inlocations where a demonstrated customer demand justifies <strong>the</strong> cost <strong>of</strong>construction. Specifically, staff report that 25 percent <strong>of</strong> addressesmust commit in writing to <strong>the</strong> service before <strong>the</strong>y will authorizeconstruction.However, we have not yet observed any formal action todemonstrate that a new policy is in place or being followed. In fact, we- 44 -A <strong>Performance</strong> <strong>Audit</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Utah</strong> <strong>Telecommunication</strong> <strong>Open</strong> Infrastructure Agency (August 2012)

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