The qpcR Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The qpcR Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives

The qpcR Package - NexTag Supports Open Source Initiatives


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pcrplot 23pcrplotPlotting PCR data with fitted curvesDescriptionUsageDisplays fitted curves and observations in the same plot window, distinguishing between curves bydifferent plot symbols and line types. Various additional features can be plotted, i.e. error bars orconfidence bands.Argumentsxpcrplot(x, ..., level = NULL, col = FALSE,conLevel, conName, grid = 100, legend, legendText, legendPos,type = "average", lty, log = "", pch, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim,xt = NULL, xtlab = NULL, yt = NULL, ytlab = NULL,add = FALSE, confband = NULL)an object of class ’drc’.... additional arguments.levelcolconLevelvector of character strings. To plot only the curves specified by their names.either logical or a vector of colours. If TRUE default colours are used. If FALSE(default) no colours are used.numeric. Dose level below which the dose is zero (the amount of stretching onthe x-axis above zero). Default is 1e-2.conName character string. Name on x axis for dose zero. Default is ’"0"’.gridlegendlegendTextlegendPostypeltylogpchxlabylabnumeric. Number of points in the grid used for plotting the fitted curves.logical. If TRUE a legend is displayed.a character string or vector of character strings specifying the legend text.numeric vector of length 2 giving the position of the legend.a character string specifying how the originals observations should be plotted.<strong>The</strong>re are 5 options: "average" (default), "none" (only the fitted curve(s)), "obs"(only the data points), "all" or "points" (all data points), "errbar" (errorbars +-stdev).a numeric vector specifying the line types.a character string which contains ’"x"’ if the x axis is to be logarithmic, ’"y"’if the y axis is to be logarithmic and ’"xy"’ or ’"yx"’ if both axes are to belogarithmic. <strong>The</strong> default is "", which yields the original axes.a vector of plotting characters or symbols.an optional label for the x axis.an optional label for the y axis.

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