Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...


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Name of Material Guid ID Name of Material Guid IDNo. No. No. No.Ethyl borate 129 1176Ethyl bromide 131 1891 Ethylene glycol monoethylEthyl bromoacetate 155 1603ether 127 11712-Ethylbutanol 129 2275Ethylene glycol monoethylether acetate 129 11722-Ethylbutyl acetate 130 1177Ethylene glycol monomethylEthylbutyl acetate 130 1177 ether 127 1188Ethyl butyl ether 127 1179 Ethylene glycol monomethyl2-Ethylbutyraldehyde 130 1178ether acetate 129 1189Ethyl butyrate 130 1180Ethyleneimine, stabilized 131P 1185Ethyl chloride 115 1037Ethylene oxide 119P 1040Ethyl chloroacetate 155 1181Ethylene oxide and Carbondioxide mixture, with moreEthyl chloroformate 155 1182 than 9% but not more thanEthyl 2-chloropropionate 129 293587% Ethylene oxide 115 1041Ethyl chlorothioformate 155 2826Ethylene oxide and Carbondioxide mixture, with moreEthyl crotonate 130 1862 than 87% Ethylene oxide 119P 3300Ethyldichloroarsine 151 1892 Ethylene oxide and CarbonEthyldichlorosilane 139 1183dioxide mixtures, with morethan 6 % Ethylene oxide 115 1041Ethylene 116P 1962Ethylene oxide and CarbonEthylene, Acetylene anddioxide mixtures, with notPropylene in mixture,more than 6% Ethylene oxide 126 1952refrigerated liquidEthylene oxide and Carbondioxide mixtures, with notcontaining at least 71.5% more than 9% Ethylene oxide 126 1952Ethylene with not more thanEthylene oxide and22.5% Acetylene and not Chlorotetrafluoroethanemore than 6% Propylene 115 3138 mixture, with not more than8.8% Ethylene oxide 126 3297Ethylene, compressed 116P 1962Ethylene oxide andEthylene, refrigerated liquidDichlorodifluoromethane(cryogenic liquid) 115 1038 mixture, with not more thanEthylene chlorohydrin 131 113512.5% Ethylene oxide 126 3070Ethylenediamine 132 1604Ethylene oxide andDichlorodifluoromethaneEthylene dibromide 154 1605 mixtures, with not more thanEthylene dibromide and Methyl12% Ethylene oxide 126 3070bromide mixture, liquid 151 1647 Ethylene oxide andPentafluoroethane mixture,Ethylene dichloride 131 1184 with not more than 7.9%Ethylene glycol diethyl ether 127 1153 Ethylene oxide 126 3298Page 116Name of Material Guid ID Name of Material Guid IDNo. No. No. No.Ethylene oxide and Propylene Ethylsulfuric acid 156 2571oxide mixture, with not more Ethylsulphuric acid 156 2571than 30% Ethylene oxide 129P 2983 N-Ethyltoluidines 153 2754Ethylene oxide and Ethyltrichlorosilane 155 1196Tetrafluoroethane mixture, Explosives, division 1.1, 1.2,with not more than 5.6% 1.3 or 1.5 112 ——Ethylene oxide 126 3299Explosives, division 1.4 or 1.6 114 ——Ethylene oxide with Nitrogen 119P 1040Extracts, aromatic, liquid 127 1169Ethyl ether 127 1155Extracts, flavoring, liquid 127 1197Ethyl fluoride 115 2453Extracts, flavouring, liquid 127 1197Ethyl formate 129 1190Fabrics, animal or vegetableEthylhexaldehydes 129 1191 or synthetic, n.o.s. with oil 133 13732-Ethylhexylamine 132 2276 Fabrics impregnated2-Ethylhexyl chloroformate 156 2748 with weakly nitratedEthyl isobutyrate 129 2385 Nitrocellulose, n.o.s. 133 1353Ethyl isocyanate 155 2481 Ferric arsenate 151 1606Ethyl lactate 129 1192 Ferric arsenite 151 1607Ethyl mercaptan 129 2363 Ferric chloride 157 1773Ethyl methacrylate 130P 2277 Ferric chloride, anhydrous 157 1773Ethyl methacrylate, stabilized 130P 2277 Ferric chloride, solution 154 2582Ethyl methyl ether 115 1039 Ferric nitrate 140 1466Ethyl methyl ketone 127 1193 Ferrocerium 170 1323Ethyl nitrite, solution 131 1194 Ferrosilicon 139 1408Ethyl orthoformate 129 2524 Ferrous arsenate 151 1608Ethyl oxalate 156 2525 Ferrous chloride, solid 154 1759Ethylphenyldichlorosilane 156 2435 Ferrous chloride, solution 154 1760Ethyl phosphonothioicFerrous metal borings,dichloride, anhydrous 154 2927 shavings, turnings orEthyl phosphonous dichloride, cuttings 170 2793anhydrous 135 2845 Fertilizer, ammoniatingEthyl phosphorodichloridate 154 2927 solution, with free Ammonia 125 10431-Ethylpiperidine 132 2386 Fiber, animal or vegetable,Ethyl propionate 129 1195 n.o.s., burnt, wet or damp 133 1372Ethyl propyl ether 127 2615 Fibers, animal or vegetable orEthyl silicate 129 1292 synthetic, n.o.s. with oil 133 1373Page 117

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