Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...


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Name of Material Guid ID Name of Material Guid IDNo. No. No. No.Nitrocellulose mixture, withNitroglycerin, solution inpigment 133 2557 alcohol, with not more thanNitrocellulose mixture, with1% Nitroglycerin 127 1204pigment and plasticizer 133 2557 Nitroglycerin mixture,Nitrocellulose mixture, withdesensitized, liquid,plasticizer 133 2557flammable, n.o.s., with notmore than 30% Nitroglycerin 113 3343Nitrocellulose, solution,flammable 127 2059Nitroglycerin mixture,desensitized, liquid, n.o.s.,Nitrocellulose, solution, in a with not more than 30%flammable liquid 127 2059 Nitroglycerin 113 3357Nitrocellulose with alcohol 113 2556 Nitroglycerin mixture,Nitrocellulose with not lessdesensitized, solid, n.o.s.,than 25% alcohol 113 2556with more than 2% but notmore than 10% Nitroglycerin 113 3319Nitrocellulose with water, notless than 25% water 113 2555Nitroglycerin mixture withmore than 2% but not more3-Nitro-4-than 10% Nitroglycerin,chlorobenzotrifluoride 152 2307 desensitized 113 3319Nitrocresols 153 2446 Nitroguanidine (Picrite),Nitrocresols, liquid 153 3434wetted with not less than20% water 113 1336Nitrocresols, solid 153 2446Nitroguanidine, wetted withNitroethane 129 2842 not less than 20% water 113 1336Nitrogen 121 1066 Nitrohydrochloric acid 157 1798Nitrogen, compressed 121 1066 Nitromethane 129 1261Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid Nitronaphthalene 133 2538(cryogenic liquid) 120 1977Nitrophenols 153 1663Nitrogen and Rare gasesmixture, compressed 121 19814-Nitrophenylhydrazine, withnot less than 30% water 113 3376Nitrogen dioxide 124 1067Nitropropanes 129 2608Nitrogen dioxide and Nitricoxide mixture 124 1975p-Nitrosodimethylaniline 135 1369Nitrogen tetroxide and NitricNitrostarch, wetted with notoxide mixture 124 1975less than 20% water 113 1337Nitrogen trifluoride 122 2451Nitrostarch, wetted with notless than 30% solvent 113 1337Nitrogen trifluoride,compressed 122 2451Nitrosyl chloride 125 1069Nitrogen trioxide 124 2421Nitrosylsulfuric acid 157 2308Nitroglycerin, solution inNitrosylsulfuric acid, liquid 157 2308alcohol, with more than Nitrosylsulfuric acid, solid 157 23081% but not more than 5%Nitroglycerin 127 3064Nitrosylsulfuric acid, solid 157 3456Page 134Name of Material Guid ID Name of Material Guid IDNo. No. No. No.Nitrosylsulphuric acid 157 2308 Organic peroxide type B, liquid 146 3101Nitrosylsulphuric acid, liquid 157 2308 Organic peroxide type B,Nitrosylsulphuric acid, solid 157 2308 liquid, temperatureNitrosylsulphuric acid, solid 157 3456 controlled 148 3111Nitrotoluenes 152 1664 Organic peroxide type B, solid 146 3102Nitrotoluenes, liquid 152 1664 Organic peroxide type B, solid,Nitrotoluenes, solid 152 1664 temperature controlled 148 3112Nitrotoluenes, solid 152 3446 Organic peroxide type C, liquid 146 3103Nitrotoluidines (mono) 153 2660 Organic peroxide type C,Nitrous oxide 122 1070 liquid, temperature controlled 148 3113Nitrous oxide, compressed 122 1070 Organic peroxide type C, solid 146 3104Nitrous oxide, refrigerated Organic peroxide type C,liquid 122 2201 solid, temperatureNitrous oxide and Carbon controlled 148 3114dioxide mixture 126 1015 Organic peroxide type D, liquid 145 3105Nitroxylenes 152 1665 Organic peroxide type D,Nitroxylenes, liquid 152 1665 liquid, temperature controlled 148 3115Nitroxylenes, solid 152 1665 Organic peroxide type D, solid 145 3106Nitroxylenes, solid 152 3447 Organic peroxide type D,Nonanes 128 1920 solid, temperatureNonyltrichlorosilane 156 1799 controlled 148 31162,5-Norbornadiene, stabilized 128P 2251 Organic peroxide type E, liquid 145 3107Octadecyltrichlorosilane 156 1800 Organic peroxide type E,Octadiene 128P 2309 liquid, temperature controlled 148 3117Octafluorobut-2-ene 126 2422 Organic peroxide type E, solid 145 3108Octafluorocyclobutane 126 1976 Organic peroxide type E, solid,Octafluoropropane 126 2424 temperature controlled 148 3118Octanes 128 1262 Organic peroxide type F, liquid 145 3109Octyl aldehydes 129 1191 Organic peroxide type F,tert-Octyl mercaptan 131 3023 liquid, temperature controlled 148 3119Octyltrichlorosilane 156 1801 Organic peroxide type F, solid 145 3110Oil, petroleum 128 1270 Organic peroxide type F, solid,Oil gas 119 1071 temperature controlled 148 3120Oil gas, compressed 119 1071Page 135

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