Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...

Emergency Response Guidebook - Gujarat State Disaster ...


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The EAC provides information on:•••••EMERGENCY ACTION CODES (EAC)The fire extinguishing media to be usedThe level of PPE requiredWhether the spillage should be contained or may be dilutedWhether there is a possibility of violent reactionWhether the substance poses a Public Safety HazardROAD TRAILER IDENTIFICATION CHART1 = Water Jet 2 = Fog 3 = Foam 4 = Dry AgentPRVFullS V BASBA for FIRE only DILUTETTWXVBABA for FIRE onlyFullY V BAYBA for FIRE only CONTAINZBAZEBA for FIRE onlyCONSIDER EVACUATIONK V Can be violently or even explosively reactiveE Full Full body protective clothing with B. A.Y BA Breathing apparatus plus protective glovesDILUTE Spillages may be washed to drains with large quantities of water.However, due care must be taken to avoid unnecessary pollution ofwatercourses.CONTAIN Prevent the spillage from entering drains and watercourses using anymeans available.DRY AGENT Water MUST NOT be allowed to come into contact with the substance.EPeople should be warned to stay indoors with all doors and windowsclosed but evacuation may need to be considered. Consult Control,Police and product expert.FOGIn the absence of fog equipment a fire spray may be used.Page 10Every goods carriage used for transporting any dangerous or hazardous goods shall be legibly andconspicuously marked with an emergency information panel in each of the three places as specified,so that the emergency information panel faces to each side of the carriage and to its rear and suchpanel shall contain the following information viz.,· The correct technical name of the dangerous or hazardous goods in letters not less than 50 mmhigh.· The United Nations class number for the dangerous goods in letters not less than 100 mm high (Rule137).· The class label of the dangerous or hazardous goods in the size of not less than 250 mm square.· The name and telephone number of the emergency services to be contacted in the event of fire orany other accident in letters and numerals that are not less than 50 mm high and the name andtelephone number of the consignor of the dangerous or hazardous goods or of some other personfrom whom expert information and advice can be obtained concerning the measures that shouldbe taken in the event of emergency.CAUTION: This chart depicts only the most general shapes of road trailers. <strong>Emergency</strong> responsepersonnel must be aware that there are many variations of road trailers, not illustrated above, thatare used for shipping chemical products. The suggested guides are for the most hazardous productsthat may be transported in these trailer types.Page 11

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