GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report

GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report

GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report


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Spring 2011Perceived Importance & Choice DriversInterestingly, while having the latest and mostadvanced technology is certainly (or believed to be)important to prospective clients, the aspects of thebusiness relationship itself – specifically, personalservice and attentiveness dimensions – rise to thevery top. And, this is true regardless of whetherchoosing a quantitative or qualitative supplier.These dimensions include listening well andunderstanding client needs (93%), having a goodrelationship with client (92%), familiarity withclient needs (90%), rapid response (89%), meetingdeadlines (88%), and a knowledgeable staff (87%).Note that these are all at or above 90% top twobox agreement.Obviously, issues related to quantitative expertise(e.g., data analysis services, understanding onlinedata collection, and analytical capabilities) tendto be important discriminators when making aquantitative choice. Given the more personalitydrivenaspects of qualitative research providers,price is less of a discriminating factor here.How important do you think each of the following qualities is to [clients / you] when [they / you] select a[QUANTITATIVE/QUALITATIVE] research provider? (Top Two Box Basis on Five-Point Scale)QUANTITATIVESupplier FactorsQUALITATIVESupplier FactorsListens well and understands client needs 93% 93% -Good relationship with client/supplier 92% 89% +3%Familiarity with client needs 90% 90% -Rapid response to requests 89% 88% +1%Completes research in an agreed-upon time 88% 87% +1%Has knowledgeable staff 87% 85% +2%Previous experience with client/supplier 84% 83% +1%Good reputation in the industry 83% 79% +4%Flexibility on changing project parameters 81% 85% -4%Familiarity with the industry or category 79% 76% +3%High quality analysis 76% 77% -1%Consultation on best practices and methodology effectiveness 75% 69% +6%Provides highest data quality 73% 68% +5%Breadth of experience in the target segment 71% 75% -4%Length of experience/time in business 65% 72% -7%Provides data analysis services 62% 50% +12%Understands online data collection 60% 30% +30%Lowest price 47% 35% +12%Company is financially stable 43% 40% +3%Offers unique methodology or approach 41% 40% +1%Uses sophisticated collection technology/strategies 41% 29% +12%Uses the latest data collection technology 35% 27% +8%Also does qualitative research 29% 30% -1%Uses the latest statistical or analytical packages 27% 16% +11%Has an access panel 22% 16% +6%Gap+ / -www.greenbook.org35

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