GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report

GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report

GreenBook® Research Industry Trends Report


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Spring 2011US and Global Markets Served: TrendedOnly in US Both Inside and Outside US Only Outside USWhile the United States comprises the bulk ofrespondents (67%) in this research, it is certainlyworth noting that the historical trend in termsof non-US sample composition and researchdata continues to rise, and will only becomemore important with time. The composition ofresponding firms in terms of billings is almostidentical to what we saw in 2009.The results of this Fall 2010 GreenBook® <strong>Industry</strong><strong>Trends</strong> Study wave revealed major structuraland systemic changes being faced by those in themarketing research industry, and mirror much ofwhat we have been seeing in the US economy asa whole. These structural changes have a multiprongedeffect, including (1) more worrisomeattitudes and beliefs about the marketing researchprofession, (2) more concern about the abilityto keep up with the rapid pace of technologicalinnovation, and (3) a growing tension betweenquality of work output and the demand for speed.GRIT revealed major structural and systemic changes beingfaced by those in the marketing research industrywww.greenbook.org5

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