Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University

Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University

Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University


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1859.] Dr. 0. C. GrBBS. Summary, 783depend upon an enlarged state <strong>and</strong> disordered function of theliver—a condition of that organ vulgarly termed <strong>and</strong> treated bynurses as " livergrown," <strong>and</strong> the laryngeal difficulty, dyspnoea<strong>and</strong> spasm of the glottis, are sympathetically excited <strong>and</strong> secondarilyinvolved; <strong>and</strong> offers, in support of the allegation, therevelations of twelve autopsies of fatal cases, all confirmatory ofthe fact. " To the truth of this proposition," Dr. McMeenssays, " I am disposed to differ, from the ostensible efficacy ofremedies adapted to such pathological inductions. Catharticdoses of calomel, followed by free discharges of vitiated bilioussecretions, were invariably succeeded by a marked amendment,while the absence or deficiency of such secretion was precursorto a decided aggravation of the disease. As an alternative, theproto-iodide of mercury had a most happy influence over thesecretions. Dover's powder usually sufficed to allay any disturbanceor pain in the bowels. Frictions along the spinal columnwere premised for the contractions <strong>and</strong> insensibility of the extremities,<strong>and</strong> the inhalation of ether, hyoscyamus, <strong>and</strong> anise, tosoothe the irritability of the larynx <strong>and</strong> allay cough. Underthis treatment, at least, the disease was manifestly modified, <strong>and</strong>the patient steadfastly improved.The pathology of this affection has been anything but definitelysettled, <strong>and</strong> anything concerning it we regard with interest.Some, with Drs. Ryl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> North, have supposed the diseasedependent upon cerebral derangement, while others consider itdependent upon gastric irritation. Dr. Marsh thinks it ma^proceed from irritation of the pneumo-gastric nerve ;while Dr.hey supposes it dependent upon paralysis of the muscles whichopen the glottis, in consequence of pressure of enlarged gl<strong>and</strong>supon the recurrent nerves. It is probable that the laryngealaffection is due to a reflex nervous action, the seat of irritationbeing variously located : sometimes in the gums ; at others, inthe medulla oblongata ;<strong>and</strong> still at others, in the liver, or anypart of the digestive apparatus.Erysipelas.—In the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Surgical</strong> Reporter for August13th, J. R. McClurg, M. D., of Philadelphia, has an able articleupon the above subject. In regard to treatment, after the actionof an emetic <strong>and</strong> a saline cathartic, combined with a mercurial,if there be symptoms of billious derangement, he says :" Ialways use some tonic medicine, <strong>and</strong> my favorite prescription,<strong>and</strong> the one I uniformly use in all cases of erysipelas, of whateverform or character, as soon as the system is prepared forit, is,#.—Spiritus aetheris nitrici, f. Sij.Tinctura ferri sesqui chloridi, f. 3ij.Quinae sulphatis,gr. xvj.

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