Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University

Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University

Southern Medical and Surgical Journal - Georgia Regents University


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792 Miscellaneous. [November,Resolved, That not only has the profession sustained a loss, but thecommunity which he has so long adorned, has cause for profound sorrowin this lamented death.Resolved, That we unaffectedly sympathise with the family of thevenerable deceased, <strong>and</strong> do hereby, as a body, tender our profound condolence.Resolved, That we attend the funeral, this afternoon, <strong>and</strong> that wewear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.On motion it was ordered that the city papers be requested to publishthese proceedings, that the family be presented with a copy, <strong>and</strong> thatthey be also published in the New Orleans <strong>and</strong> Augusta <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>s,S. D. Seelye, Secretary.September 20, 1859.Woman's Home Book of Health. By John Stainback Wilson, M.D.,of Columbus, Ga.We are gratified to learn that the above work, which we noticed inthese pages some months since, will soon be issued from the house ofMessrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co. The readers of this <strong>Journal</strong> are too wellaware of the ability of the author of the above forthcoming work, to requirefrom us, his recommendation, as he has long been a frequent <strong>and</strong>valued contributor to our pages.On the appearance of the w r ork, it willafford us pleasure to call attention again <strong>and</strong> more definitely to its merits.Inductive Electricity, or Faradization, in Lead Colic.—Of late, muchattention has been paid in France to the employment of electricity byinduction, or Faradization, as it is called, in the treatment of certaindiseases. Briquet, of La Charite, has employed this with success in thetreatment of the paroxysms of colica pictonum. The application is notdevoid of pain, <strong>and</strong> the latter is, at times, so great as to dem<strong>and</strong> theanaesthetic aid of chloroform during the operation. A wet sponge isattached to one wire of the aparatus <strong>and</strong> placed at the upper portionof the recti muscles, <strong>and</strong> a metallic brush being appliedto the other, itis passed over the part of the abdomen most painful, <strong>and</strong> this is continueduntil redness is produced, when the pain will disappear. Theoperation may require repetition in some cases ; but if twenty four hourspass without the re-appearance of any pains, no further application ofthe process will be required. The after-treatment consists in a sulphurbath every other day ; the internal administration, daily, of about fourpints of lemonade, containing from thirty to forty drops sulphuric acid." A gum portion is also prescribed, containing from thirty to fortygrains of alum ; <strong>and</strong> each night, or every alternate night, as the casemay be, a pill is ordered, containing one grain of the watery extract ofopium. * * In almost all cases, Briquet has remarked that thebowels begin to act spontaneously from one to three days after theFaradization has accomplished the removal of the abdominal pains."This treatment is interesting from its simplicity, as compared with thecomplex routine heretofore used at this hospital, in the treatment of

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