MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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108 DR. miller'swould be advisable, but before deciding would like to have youropinion for and against it.A. Some have reported success in using glass over the broodchamber,especially in England, while others object to it. I'm notsure what the objection is, but suppose there would be troublewith vapor condensing on the glass and dropping down upon thebees. The advantage is that you can see through the glass, yetthere is not so very much to be seen without lifting out anything.You will probably be wise not to try it on a very large scale, atfirst.Gloves.—Q. What kipd of gloves do you think best forhandling bees? Will bees sting through kid gloves?A. Bees will sting through anything as thin as kid gloves.Buckskin does better, but is not always proof against stings.Rubber gloves are good, but uncomfortable. Pigskin is probablyas good as anything, and not expensive. It has a disagreeablesmell, especially when new. Oiled cotton gloves are in commonuse, and do very well.Glucose. — Q. Is syrup that contains 95 per cent glucose and 5per cent sorghum good to feed to bees?A. No; commercial glucose is not fit stufi for man or bee.Don't think of giving bees glucose in any proportion whatever,any time.itGoldenrod.—Q. Does the goldenrod yield honey, that is, doesyield enough for a surplus?A. Yes; in many sections of the central west and of the east,goldenrod is a surplus producer. In other localities it only helpsin the fall flow. Its honey is said to be of a golden color and ofa rather strong taste. There are many varieties and some do notyield honey anywhere.Grading Rules.—Q. By what standard is honey (comb and extracted)graded for the market?A. The Colorado grading rules, as adopted by the ColoradoHoney Producers' Association, come as near being the standardas any. They are as follows :COMB HONEYFancy—Sections to be well filled, combs firmly attachedon all sides and evenly capped, except the outside row nextto the wood. Honey, comb and cappings white, or slightly offcolor. Combs not projecting beyond the wood, sections to be wellcleaned. No section in this grade to weigh less than 12J^ ouncesnet or 13J^ ounces gross. The top of each section in this grade

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