MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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52 DR. MILLER SQ. How many sections 4J4x4J4 will one pound of thin superfoundation fill; full sheets?A. About 100, or a few more.Q. Don't you think it would be a good plan for the manufacturersof foundation to furnish the section foundation withdrone-size base? It would save the bees considerable work incomb-building where full sheets are used.A. You would probably not like it. Generally there is lessdrone-comb in the brood-chamber than the bees would have ifleft to their own devices, and with little or no drone-comb belowand abundance above, the queen would be likely to make trouble.Fig. }2.—Full sheets of foundation assure combs with a minimum of drone-brood.To be sure, you might keep her down with an excluder, but thatwould be trouble and expense, and you would find that some sectionswould not be finished up as promptly as they should be, forthe bees would hold the cells open for the queen. I think, howexcr. that if you care to try it you can get drone-foundation.(J. If I order more foundation than I use, how can I keep itfrom spoiling?A. I hardly know what you can do with it that it will notkeep, unless you put it in an oven where it will melt, or spread itout in the sun and rain for a year. Just keep it covered up whereeverit is convenient. Even i£ you have it filled into sections,keep them where they will be dry and nice, and they will be allright. Although bees take hold of fresh foundation a little morereadily than that which has been kept over, there isn'tmuch difference.But if you leave it on the hives in the fall, when no

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