MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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^ODR. MILLER Sground when it had started from the seed and was nearly a toothigh, and that finished it.Clover, White.—Q. What kind of clover is the best for bees?(Iowa.)A. In Iowa, probably, all things considered, no clover ismore valuable than the common white clover. Very likely youhave that without any sowing. If you want to sow any besides,try sweet clover, both the white and yellow variety. It bloomslaterthan white clover.Q. What time of the year does white clover bloom in thisstate? (Illinois.)A. In the northern tier of counties it opens its first blossomsin the last of May or first of June, and earlier as you go south.Clustering Out (See Hanging Out.)Cockroaches.—Q. What can I do for roaches? They botherthe bees by getting in the brood-chambers, on sections, and allover the inside of the hive.A. I didn't suppose cockroaches would do any particularharm in a hive where there are bees. You can poison them withsome of the special poisons sold for that purpose, or with anyother poison, only you musn't poison the bees. Put the poisonbetween little boards only one-eighth of an inch apart, or in somevessel with a one-eighth inch entrance.Colony.—Q. How many bees are estimated to be in a mediumpopulous colony?A. At a rough estimate, perhaps 30,000.Q. What would you call a good colonjf?A. A colony that, in early spring, has brood in five frames,Langstroth size ^75/^x9%), each frame being three-quarters ormore filled with brood, would be a fairly good colony; with sixor seven frames of brood it would be a very good colony.Color of Bees.— (J. What causes such a great diversity in coloramong the individual bees and also among the colonies in generalwhose queens are a mother and her daughters?A. If you have a pure Italian queen, her worker progeny allhaving the same markings, and from her rear a young queen, andthis young queen mate-- with a pure Italian drone, you may expectto find the same markings in the worker progeny of theyoung queen as are found in the worker progeny of her mother.But if this young queen mates with a black drone, then you willfind the W(jrker progeny different, ,'Tonie of it looking like black

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