MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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sure50 DR. MILLER Sbi-ood foundation, only you must be careful about turning the extractortoo fast while the combs are new. Indeed you can uselight brood with full-depth frames.Q. Do you consider light brood foundation sufficiently heavyto be used with your splints in regular Langstroth frames?A. Yes, only in place of five splints, as with medium, sevensplints must be used with the light brood foundation. At least Idid not feel safe to do with less than seven, and had good results.Q. Is there any special width of foundation to use in a broodchamber?A. It is well to have the foundation come down to within onehalfinch of the bottom-bar.Q. 1 am going to buy foundation for 1,500 Hoffman frames forthe next season and do not know whether to buy medium orlight brood. I have used both and can see but little if any differencein results. I have had no trouble with light brood sagging.I wire my frames, but do not use splints. \A'hich do you think isthe better to use?A. It's merely a question of which will succeed better, and asyou have no trouble with the lighter foundation sagging, it willbe economy to use that.Q. \\'liat kind of foundation would you recommend for honeyin one-pound sections?A. Some prefer "extra thin," but, all things considered, myown preference is "thin."Q. Which is the better to use in the frames, full sheets oistarters ?A. Full sheets. If you use only starters you will have entirelytoo much drone-comb.Q. Have bottom-starters of foundation in brood-frames everbeen used?A. I am no.whether anyone else has ever tried them,but I have. But I had no use for anything of the kind after Ifound I could use full sheets of foundation clear down to thebottom-bar by the aid of foundation splints.Q. I have about 40 pounds of light foundation, two years old,and it seems dry. Should I use it, or have it worked over?A. It is all right to use as it is.Q. In one place you say "Have the sections filled with workerfoundation,"and in another place I read: "Dr. Miller has foryears described his method of using bottom starters (as well as

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