MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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30 DR. MILLER SA. That is not the work of a virgin or unfertilized queen, butrather of an old queen. It is nothing very unusual when a queenbecomes quite old for the store of spermatozoa to become to acertain extent exhausted, and then some of the eggs laid mworker-cells will not be fertilized and will produce drones, andFig. 6. Drone and worker-brood, irregular; showing tlie work of an old orinferior queen.the cappings of these will be raised. It is not the work of layingworkers, for in that case none of the brood would be sealed level.Buckeye.—Q. Is buckeye honey bad for bees?A. I never heard it was.Buckwheat.—Q. (a) Does buckwheat bloom at the same timethat white clover does?(b) How much should be sown to the acre?(c) Does it make the bees want to swarm in the fall?(d) Is the grain good for chickens?(e) Is buckwheat honey better than clover?A. (a) No; buckwheat is much later, usually being sown afterclover is in bloom, say about the last of June.(b) Some sow two pecks to the acre some twice as much.(c) It is not likely to make the bees swarm.(d) The grain is good for chickens.(e) No; it is dark, strong, and generally sells for considerablyless than clover, yet some prefer it.Q. Can I sow buckwheat in the spring, and continue at statedtimes through the summer, so as to have it bloom at certain periods,and make it profitable?

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