MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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THOUSAND ANSWERS 255the first frame from the old hive, have an empty frame ready forit. Lay some strings on a table or something of the kind; onthese strings lay the empty frame, then after putting the comb in,tie the strings. Of course, the strings must be laid in such a waythat they will be distributed along the length of the frame, perhapssix or more of them, each string independent of the others.When you take out the first frame, brush the bees from it beforecutting, and put it in its hive, after tying. Then move the oldhive from the stand and put the new one in its place, and afterthat brush the bees into the new hive each time you take outanother frame.Q. Last fall I purchased three colonies of bees in home-madehives of the Langstroth pattern, I found that the frames werebadly made, so that the combs were crooked— in fact, they zigzaggedin every shape. I left them just as they were, fed the beessteadih' all winter, and they are good and strong now; but willnot get more honey than enough to feed themselves through thecoming winter. I would like to get these bees out of the oldhives. Would you advise transferring them at this time (August3)?A. Perhaps it may be as well to leave them as they are tillnext spring or swarming time. Still, it may be all right to transferthis fall, if you are sure of a good fall flow after transferring.Traps.—Q. Is it necessary for a beginner to use a drone andqueen trap?A. No; and the advanced beekeeper gets along very wellwithout it.Q. If I use an Alley trap on a hive and the colony shouldswarm while I am away for a few days, will they stay around ornear the hive any length of time, or will they leave if not hivedthe same dayA. The trap holds the queen, and when the swarm finds it hasno queen it will return.Trees.—Q.work on?What kind of trees, other than fruit trees, can beesA. Oh, my! A whole lot more; more than I can tell you, andmore than I know. A few are linden, locust, poplar, eucalyptus,niaple, banana, black mangrove, wild cherry, etc.T-Tins.—Q. What is a T-tin? I see in the American Bee Journalthe way to make a T-super, but I do not understand what ismeant by the T-tin.A. A "T" super has ho bottom, but to support the sections

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