MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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THOUSAND ANSWERS 231A. A 'T" super is a plain box without top or bottom, onequarterinch deeper than the height of the sections it is to contain.On the bottom, at each end, is a plain strip of tin to supportone end of the sections in the end rows, and at the proper placesstaples are driven into the bottom and then bent so as to supportthe "T" tins inside.On page 19 of "Forty Years Among the Bees''is a picture of a "T" super, which is reproduced here. I'm sorryFig.24.—a T-Super.to say it doesn't show as plainly as it might what a "T" super is.The three "T" tins are shown loose, and you will see at the bottomof the super the supports for them, which are here squaresof sheet-iron nailed on. The bent staples are later, and perhapsa little better.It seems a very strange inconsistency that allows "T" tins to belisted in a catalogue and not the "T" super, for without the "T"super one will have no use for a "T" tin. For some reason, nomanufacturer pushes "T" supers, and yet there are not a few whoproduce section-honey on a large scale who will have no others.As for myself, I have tried about all the surplus arrangementsfor section-honey that have been put on the market, some ofthem on a pretty large scale, and as yet have found nothing elseto equal the "T" super. I have seen it condemned, but when Ilearned how it was used, without taking advantage of its best

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