MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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. makesTHOUSAND ANSWERS 49workers and some like Italian, and perhaps intermediate markings.Color Sense of Bees.—Q. What is there about the color ofclothes to make the bees quiet when handling them?A. I don't know why it is ; I only know the fact, that crossbees are not so likely to sting one with light as with dark clothing.I have worn a good many different pairs of mason's orpainter's white overalls for the sake of avoiding stings. I don'tthink white clothing particularly appropriate to my style ofbeauty, and in going through town to the out-apiary, I'm not fondof appearing on the streets arrayed in white, but I'd rather dothat than to take the increased number of stings with dark clothing.But, mind you, I get all the stings I care for, even with whiteclothing. If bees are cross, they'll sting through the whitestclothing.Comb.—Q. From what do bees make comb?A. From what they eat—honey and pollen— much as a cowmilk from what she eats.Q. Is the comb in comb honey injurious to a person's health?Most people when eating comb honey swallow the comb.A. Beeswax is utterly indigestible. It is sometimes used tomake corks for bottles containing acids so powerful that theyburn up ordinary cork, and of course the weak acids of the stomachcan have no effect upon it. I have seen something about itsbeing melted in the stomach; but the heat in the stomach is manydegrees too low to melt beeswax. Even if melted, it would stillbe as indigestible as ever. But lots of indigestible things aretaken into the stomach that do no harm; and may do good.When comb honey is chewed with other food and taken into thestomach some claim that the finely divided portions of wax are abenefit. Certainly they are not likely to do any harm.Comb Foundation.—Q. How many pounds of comb foundationwould it take to fill one brood-chamber of 10 frames with fullsheets? Also, to fill one super with 28 sections?A. For ten Langstroth frames it takes about 1^ pounds ofmedium brood foundation, and one pound of light brood. Fortwenty-eight sections it will take about one-quarter pound ofthin super foundation.Q. What kind of foundation is best to use in the extractingframes?A. If you use shallow extracting-frames, you can use light

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