MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees

MillerThousand AnswersBeekeepingQuestions.pdf - BioBees


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THOUSAND ANSWERS 199brood Xovember 1 is no proof of queenlessness, neither is thefailure to find the queen, for the queen is hard to find, becausesmall. Unless you have some stronger proof than the presenceoi drones, better leave it till spring, and then break it up, dividingthe combs and bees among your weakest colonies. If sure itis queenless, you can break it up at once. In any case, it will do nogreat harm to leave it till spring.Q. If a colony of bees lost its queen in the winter, how longwould it live?A. If she were lost in the winter, the supposition would bethat she laid as long as usual in the fall. The bees would becomeless and less in the spring, and if they did not desert the hive thelast of them might be dead perhaps some time in May, or June.Races of Bees (See also Italians, Carniolans, Caucasians, Cyprians,Funics, Etc.)—Q. Could one keep several different races ofbees in the same apiary?A-. Unless it be for the sake of experimenting with a differentrace, it is better not to try to keep more than one kind. Evenwith only one, you may find it beyond you to keep them pure;for they will mix with bees as far as a mile or two away andfarther.Q. Are all breeds of bees of the same size? If not, which arethe largest breeds? What is the main color of the so-called grayCaucasians? Are they gray or black, and are they as good workersas the Italians ?A. Honeybees are practically the same in size. Caucasianslook so much like common black bees that you couldn't tell themapart by their looks. Opinions differ as to their gentleness andstoring qualities. While some prefer Caucasians, the majorityprefer Italians.Rape.—Q. Has rape any honey value to make it worth plantingfor bees alone? When should it be planted to yield the mosthoney?A. Rape is a fine honey-plant, but neither that or any otherplant will pay to sow for honey alone, unless it be on waste landwhere it will take care of itself. Spring is probably as good atime as any to sow rape. In Germany rape is highly prized as ahoney-plant, and sometimes bees are hauled some distance tobe in reach of rape fields.Raspberries.—Q. Do bees gather much from the blossoms ofraspberries?

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