Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009

Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009

Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009


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9.9 Piggy LaneThe character of Piggy Lane as anancient route from the west along the rearof the burgage plots to the former Prioryis discernable at its eastern end where itis bounded by 3m high limestone walls onthe north enclosing the historic properties.The openness of this area ensures thatimportant views from the south westtowards the church and the historic coreremain largely intact. Views towards thechurch are glimpsed across the gardenedstrips which lie behind the high wallswhich bound Cemetery Road. The area ofCemetery Road within this character areais very enclosed enhancing its narrowwidth.Cemetery Road looking northTo the east are several 17th and 18thcentury buildings along Cemetery Road.Notably no. 7 where a break in thecontinuous frontage allows a glimpsethrough to an original stable outbuildingwhich remains largely intact. At thesouthern end of Cemetery road, northeast of St Edburg’s School there are anumber of modern bungalows whichalthough not in keeping with the area doallow views over towards the church fromthis point.At the western end of Piggy Lane thereare two 19th century properties (1 & 2Piggy Lane) of some interest which form avisual pivot point to King’s End.However, buildings have been constructedwithin the last twenty yearswhich, to the north, have destroyed theenclosure afforded by the boundary wallsand, to the south, interrupted the opencharacter and relationship of Piggy Lanewith the sports ground and The Pingle.The Gothic Revival St. Edburg’s primaryschool creates a landmark at the southeast end of the character area. The truncatedspire is balanced by the tower of thechurch of St Edburg’s which lies to thenorth east.Piggy Lane looking east towards the churchStable outbuilding to no. 7St Edburg’s primary school49

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