Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009

Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009

Draft Bicester Conservation Area Appraisal November 2009


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EN47 The Council will promotesustainability of the historic environmentthrough conservation, protection andenhancement of the archaeological heritageand its interpretation and presentation to thepublic. In particular it will: (i) seek to ensurethat scheduled ancient monuments andother unscheduled sites of national andregional importance and their settings arepermanently preserved; (ii) ensure thatdevelopment which could adversely affectsites, structures, landscapes or buildings ofarchaeological interest and their settings willrequire an assessment of the archaeologicalresource through a desk-top study, andwhere appropriate a field evaluation; (iii) notpermit development that would adverselyaffect archaeological remains and theirsettings unless the applicant candemonstrate that the archaeologicalresource will be physically preserved in-situ,or a suitable strategy has been put forwardto mitigate the impact of developmentproposals; (iv) ensure that where physicalpreservation in- situ is neither practical nordesirable and sites are not scheduled or ofnational importance, the developer will beresponsible for making appropriate provisionfor a programme of archaeologicalInvestigation, recording, analysis andpublication that will ensure the site ispreserved by record prior to destruction.Such measures will be secured either by aplanning agreement or by a suitableplanning conditionEN48 Development that would damage thecharacter, appearance, setting or features ofdesigned historic landscapes (parks andgardens) and battlefields will be refused.EN51 In considering applications foradvertisements in <strong>Conservation</strong> <strong>Area</strong>s theCouncil will pay special attention to thedesirability of preserving or enhancing thecharacter or appearance of the area.67

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