Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas


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<strong>Biochemic</strong> Text Pages 10/5/07 11:36 am Page 41EYESMiddle age is the time when eyesight tends to show signs ofdeterioration, especially for close work. When difficulty begins to beexperienced in reading small print, that is the time to seek expertadvice and a visit to the oculist is a wise precaution. Headaches cansome times be traced to eye strain.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. Inflammation without secretion of pus. Burning withsensation as if grains of sand were under the eyelids.Conjunctivitis.Kali Mur.Nat. Mur.Nat. Phos.SilicaInflammation of the eye with whitish discharge.Neuralgic pains with flow of tears.Discharge of golden-creamy matter. Eyelids glued togetherin the morning. Acid symptoms.Stye on the eyelid. Alternate with Ferr. Phos. for theinflammation.FEVERFever is a condition characterised by an increase in body temperature.It is one of the most common symptoms of disease but should beregarded as secondary to the disordered state with which it isassociated. The temperature of the human body in health rangesbetween 98.4 degrees and 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. There are dailyvariations, the lowest being between the hours of midnight and 6 a.mand the highest during the evening. The body normally maintains aneven temperature by controlling the balance between heat gained andlost. Heat is gained by oxidation of the tissues (Ferr. Phos.) which takesplace during the process of nutrition. Cooling occurs principallythrough the lungs and skin. In the feverish state balance is no longermaintained, more heat being lost than gained, the loss to the systembeing chiefly in the form of nitrogen compounds. A fever is usuallypreceded by chilliness and there may be headache or a feeling oftiredness in the limbs. There follows a “hot” stage, the skin feels dry,there is an increase in the rate of the pulse, excessive thirst, and littledesire for food. Then follows some form of discharge, usually a profuseperspiration, after which the fever declines. In some diseases the fevermay be continued or remittent. Rest in bed and warmth will assist thecourse of the fever and the aim should be to help the process ofelimination, never to suppress it.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. The principal remedy for high temperatures, quickenedpulse and feverishness.Kali Sulph.Kali Phos.Kali Mur.Nat. Mur.In alternation with Ferr. Phos., to control the temperatureand to promote perspiration.Nervous fevers, high temperature, quick and irregularpulse with general nervous excitement.Catarrhal fevers, great chilliness, with white-coatedtongue and constipation.Hay fever with watery discharge; dryness of the bowel ofother symptoms pointing to a disturbance in themoisture regulating processes.FIBROSITISFibrositis is the popular term applied to muscular rheumatism. Manydifferent names have been given to the various manifestations of thisconditions - bursitis, myalgia, neuritis, lumbago, etc. The onset may beacute or gradual. It can affect a whole area, such as back andshoulders, or be localised in one place. Exposure to damp and cold is apredisposing factor. Fibrositis comes under the general group ofailments arising as a result of self-poisoning. Diet is accordinglyimportant, and a course of treatment with the tissue salts associatedwith the cleansing processes (Nat. Sulph. and Kali Mur.) should provehelpful.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. The principal remedy for acute, inflammatory painsbrought on suddenly by chills, exposure, unaccustomedexercise, strains, etc.3839

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