Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas


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<strong>Biochemic</strong> Text Pages 10/5/07 11:36 am Page 57Nat. Phos.Nat. Sulph.Silicaall over the body. Pains in the back relieved by lying onsomething hard. Painful blisters and blebs on the skinwith watery contents. Itching of nettlerash. The painssometimes make their appearance at regular intervals.Digestive pains when associated with acidity, heartburn,sour acid risings, etc. itching of the nose and anus mayalso be symptoms of an over-acid state of the blood.Pains associated with liver disturbances, notablybiliousness, sick headache, nausea, etc.Pains due to the formation of boils, gumboils, abscesses,etc. Suppurating pains and festering conditions call forthe deep-acting, eliminating function of this tissue salt.Pains arising from neglected injuries with suppuration.PILES (See Haemorrhoids)RHEUMATISMRheumatism is not a single ailment; the term embraces a whole groupof disabilities arising from many and varied causes, among which isauto-intoxication of self-poisoning.At the onset there is a measure of congestion and inflammation and ifthis can be broken up promptly a serious attack may be averted. Forthis purpose the tissue salt Ferr. Phos. is needed. Ferr. Phos. is theoxygen-carrier of the blood, its action enables the tissues to “breathe”and so to burn up their waste products. The local congestion is thusrelieved and the inflammation subsides. Ferr. Phos. is useful as a first aidfor acute attacks of rheumatism.Another associated symptom of rheumatism is acidity. Faulty eliminationallows the accumulation in the blood of acid-waste products whichhave a bad effect on the general circulation. The acid-neutralising tissuesalt, Nat. Phos., breaks up these harmful acids and so helps to bringabout their elimination.In rheumatic ailments, all the eliminative organs are involved. Kidneys,liver, bowels, lungs - even the skin. There is some hold-up in the body’swaste transport system, the organs concerned are lacking in tone andefficiency. The great vitaliser of this transport system is Nat. Sulph.. Thistissue salt brings about the removal of the poison charged fluids whichare the normal result of the chemical exchanges constantly taking placein the living tissue-cells. If conditions arise which allow these wastematters to accumulate in the blood and tissues, then auto-intoxication(self-poisoning) results. The importance of Nat. Sulph. to rheumaticsubjects thus becomes self-evident.Other tissue salts may sometimes be required owing to complicatingconditions, but the three tissue salts mentioned are the ones mostfrequently needed.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. For the pain, inflammation and congestion.Nat. Phos.Nat. Sulph.SilicaSee also Combination M.To neutralise the acid-forming tendency.To aid in removing toxic-charged fluids from the system.To break up accumulation of urates lodging around thejoints and muscles.SCIATICASciatica is inflammation of the great sciatic nerve which runs down theback of the thigh. It can follow as a result of exposure to cold and damp,causing irritation of the nerve. There may be a rheumatic tendency.Pressure from other causes may also be responsible for sciatic pain. Aslipped vertebral disc is not an uncommon cause of pain in the sciaticnerve. The trouble may first be felt a little behind the hip joint, and thenextending downwards even as far as the foot. Hip, knee and ankle jointsare particularly tender areas. In severe cases movement of the limb is verypainful and rest in bed becomes necessary. For the pain and inflammationthe chief remedy is Ferr. Phos. taken every half-hour during an acute attack.5455

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