Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas

Biochemic Handbook - Seven Seas


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<strong>Biochemic</strong> Text Pages 10/5/07 11:36 am Page 65called, should be completed by the thirtieth month. The lower centralteeth are the first to erupt followed by the upper central and filling in,in order, towards the back till the set of twenty is complete. During thesixth year the milk teeth begin to shed and the permanent teeth taketheir place. This set consists of thirty-two teeth and is not complete tillthe eighteenth to the twentieth year.Infants frequently have constitutional disturbances during the period ofdentition shown by increased irritability or more profound reactionssuch as diarrhoea, fever or even spasms.The milk teeth should be cared for as carefully as the permanent ones,as the quality and position of the latter depend on the temporary teethremaining sound and in place until pushed out by the eruption of thepermanent set.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentCalc. Phos. Teeth develop slowly and decay rapidly. This is theprincipal nutrition remedy for the teeth. Important forteething infants, children and expectant mothers.Calc. Fluor.Ferr.Phos.Kali Phos.Mag. Phos.Nat. Phos.SilicaCalc. Sulph.See also Combination R.Enamel of the teeth rough and deficient causing rapiddecay. Looseness of the teeth in their sockets. Delayeddentition, in alternation with Calc. Phos.Inflammatory toothache with soreness; bleeding afterextractions, in alternation with Kali Mur. when there is swelling.Bleeding of the gums, severe pain in decayed or filled teeth.Teeth very sensitive to touch or cold air; severe toothachewith shooting pains.Grinding of the teeth during sleep.Gums painful on slight pressure, gumboils, abscess at the roots.Toothache, with inside of gums swollen and sore. Gumsbleed on brushing teeth. In alternation with Silica for thetreatment of gumboils and ulcerations.TONSILLITISTonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils and may be either acute orchronic. In quinsy the condition is not entirely confined to the tonsils asthere is involvement of the surrounding areas. Infection occurs mostlyduring the winter months. Predisposing factors are similar to thosepreceding the onset of seasonal coughs and colds. Tonsillitis can beinfectious and in children it may be a forerunner of more serioustrouble. The onset is sudden with pain in swallowing, chilliness andfever. The tonsils become enlarged and exude a whitish purulentsubstance (Kali Mur.) and the glands of the throat may become tenderand swollen. Medical attention is needed as during the early stages thesymptoms are similar to those of diphtheria. Rest in bed, with a lightdiet and plenty of fluids will help the body to overcome the infection.Eating is painful and difficult but with plenty of hot milk and fruit drinksthere is no need to worry on that account and the stomach will be allthe better for the respite from solids foods. There is always a risk ofcomplications in this kind of infection (haemolytic streptococcal) unlessproper precautions are taken and this applied particularly with children.Keep them in bed for at least two days after the temperature hasreturned to normal. The tonsils play an important part in the protectivemechanism of the body; they act in the manner of filters and anyexudation shows that they are doing their job efficiently. Medicaladvice should be sought.<strong>Biochemic</strong> treatmentFerr. Phos. The first remedy. Tonsils red and inflamed, painful onswallowing.Kali Mur.SilicaCalc. Sulph.Calc. Phos.Calc. Fluor.The second remedy, as soon as there is any swelling.Tonsils spotted white or grey.Periodical tonsillitis and when suppuration threatens.During the last stage, when purulent matter discharges.Chronic swelling of the tonsils, causing pain on openingthe mouth, with difficulty in swallowing.Large indurated tonsils, relaxed throat and elongation ofthe uvula.6263

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